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It's been quite a while since I last put anything on here. You don't actually have to read this or anything, it's just like my virtual diary. If you like reading stuff like this then cool.

I just wanted to talk about the kind of stuff I like(book wise).

I can say that I like most book tropes and ideas, except stuff that romanticizes rape and abuse(abuse in any form). The only time I like those types of books is when the author makes it clear that that is not how it should be. I have a hard time explaining what I mean by that, so instead I'll give you an example. Ex. If a book is written about a woman(or anyone) in an abusive relationship and she thinks it's right(but the book continuously shows that it's not) but either comes to the realization that it's not right and gets out of that relationship(or it has a bad/sad ending). I don't think that those stories can have happy ending with the couple staying together. Of course there are some exceptions to that too, I just don't feel like many stories accurately depict those exceptions. What I mean by that is that I do believe people can change, but I don't believe that books usually depict that change.

I love the stories with high school loves, they are the cutest(I used to like smutty ones when I was younger, but now as I get older I am realizing that 1: those aren't very accurate(with some exceptions) and 2: it is not displayed in a way that is appropriate for teenage viewers(it often depicts Non-consensual smut or drunk smut(as you grow up you learn that this is in fact also Non-consensual) and a most times very unrealistic expectations(they make you feel like you should already know what to do or that it just clicks and boom your great at sex when really it's all a learning process that takes time, it's really a trial and error) so I tend to shy away from smut now because of that(now if I do read them they are only one shots) also I hate when smut just takes over the whole story). Anyway, back to the high school love stories. I love those, but I am becoming less and less fond of showing a glimpse into their future. The reason for this is because they often stay together, but rarely does it depict they're character development since it last left off. Ex. Stories often go like 10 years into the future and they have kids, but they act the exact same. I'm not saying that you can't have the same personality as before, but it rarely shows how they have matured in the last 10 years that we didn't get to see. I just feel like books should do more to show how that have grown as a person.

Another thing I don't really care for with the glimpses into their future type books is that they almost always stay together or there is some dramatic reason that they broke up. It's like they can never just drift apart. It's different with stories that start out with them being apart and then meeting again, because then that leads you to believe that something happened that made their reunion significant. The reason why I don't always care for them staying together is because I feel like 1: it doesn't always have to be a happy ending and 2: just because they broke up doesn't mean it wasn't a happy ending, I just feel like there can be a balance. The reason I don't like the dramatic breakups is because one or both of the characters are always depicted doing something completely out of character. Ex. Ethan was such a loving and sweet boyfriend but then one day he went to an orgy party without Jaden and hooked up with like four other people one of them being Jaden's evil aunt Elma even though he was never depicted in the story of ever doing anything that would remotely suggest he would do something like that. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate those story ideas, I just think they are overused.

Those aren't the only things I don't care for in books and I don't hate them either, some books have really good stories with those, I just feel like they can be very overused and becomes unoriginal very quick.

I've also noticed some of my own works that I am finding to be very childish and I've unpublished most of my story books because of it. I don't think I want to trash them completely, I just want to look them over and see what I can change and make better. I just feel like they are a very good example of my immaturity and ignorance, which isn't a bad thing, I just want to show you guys how I have improved.

Anyway, if you read all that, thank you and if you didn't that's fine too.

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