Finally Decided

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I have finally decided to say it. I told my friend, but it took a lot for me to not bust out in tears. It may not seem like much to you, but even writing it means a lot to me.

When I was young about 9 or 10 I was almost touched. Well technically technicallyi was touch. My mom, my brother, my sister, her friend, her friend's brother and I went to the beach. I was wearing my small two piece because I was only 9/10. My sister's friend's brother was about 14, but he was so child like. At that time he was just one of my friends. We were playing in the water. We were sitting down with the water up to our waists so we were in the shallow end. Even though it was the shallow end the water was still really dark. He began rubbing up and down my bikini bottoms. I was young, but I still knew that was wrong so I backed away. He kept doing it no matter how much I backed away. He told me to let him stick his fingers inside of me. I told him no, but he kept pressuring me. He even told me that it was alright. He just kept pressuring me until I finally gave in. I was young I never really understood why it was wrong, I just knew it was wrong. Write when he was about to do it my mom called my name. I don't remember why she called my name, but I know she saved me from that event. I don't think I'll ever forget that.

If you've ever experienced something like that or worse then I'm here to listen. Say it in the comments or message me, either way I'm here to listen.

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