30 - Stories and Soothing

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Ezeas had started wondering how many times he would have to restrain himself before he would finally have the chance to give someone the thrashing they deserved. After the commander had thoroughly questioned the attendees, making sure that the blame came to rest with Lyari and Casia, he had dismissed everyone, including Ezeas, to talk to the two women, alone.

Ezeas was making his way to the infirmary when he spotted Laelith, coming in the opposite direction; he had seen her angry before and it was something of a miracle that more people did not end up needing a healer when crossing her. However, the darkness on her features promised an end to the world that would be fiery and bloody, if she had her way.

"If you have any last words for your former lover, I suggest you go say them now. Soon, there won't be enough left of her to speak to," she quickly shot at him, in passing.

He reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Laelith, you need to let the commander handle this."

"No, Ezeas!" she yelled, spinning on him.

Her cobalt eyes sparked and there was a shade of pale red over her cheeks, which only showed when she was beyond the scope of fury.

"No! I can't do this again, I can't watch other people tear apart someone I care about."

"I'm not expecting you to."

He glanced around and lowered his voice.

"Remember how we said we'd each handle one of them? I think it's time we do. I had hoped Lauril's command would keep them in check but if they insist on changing the rules, then so will we."

She stared at him, unconvinced.

"I will leave Casia to you. Just promise me you'll wait until your anger has cooled. The message we send doesn't have to be in blood."

"It will be!" she argued and he tightened his grip.

"We can't afford to cause an issue with the entire compound, Laelith! Saelina will be the one who pays the price."

She paused at that and seemed to think her options through. Ezeas let go and waited for her to come to the right answer. She sighed.

"You're right. Which just makes me mad at you, as well."

He smirked.

"Someone has to keep you from causing a massacre."

He gestured towards the building from which she came.

"How is she?"

"I'm not sure. She wouldn't let the healer look at her. Last I saw, she went out behind the infirmary. I think her trust is shot to pieces."

Laelith's tone was filled with concern and pain and Ezeas shared her worries. The sudden shift in Saelina's attitude towards them in the caves had been alarming but could be explained away. However, her hesitance whenever either of them were alone with her, the looks of skepticism which occasionally came from her direction, it had all been surprising, coming from someone who had been almost too trusting before then.

"I'll find her. You get some rest and figure out how you're going to handle Captain Sersha," he instructed.

Laelith seemed about to protest but then nodded her agreement and walked off towards the barracks. Ezeas went behind the main building, looking for his charge. When she was nowhere to be found he lifted his head up and sniffed the air; the smell of blood was still notable and he followed it, away from the bulk of the building and to a corner of the compound, behind the records room, where a wide well was dug, into the stone. Saelina was leaning over the edge, reaching for the bucket. Ezeas leaned against the very back wall of the records room as he observed her.

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