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Diana sat in one of the beds of the hospital, chatting away with Melissa as the nurse took all of her vitals and marked them on her records. She had been coming back to the hospital on the daily now after - for the second time ever - essentially coming back from the dead and, of course, the doctors wanted to know how she had managed it. But, considering none of the knew anything about the supernatural except Melissa McCall herself and Diana seemed to be in absolutely perfect form after her blood had been cleaned from the venom, no one really knew where to even begin to study her case.

"How do you feel?" Melissa asked and Diana laughed knowing Melissa knew the answer to that already but needed to ask anyway.

"Fine." Diana shrugged with a smile. "Which is probably why I'm here."

"You know it is." Melissa laughed, pulling the blood pressure cuff from her arm and closing her records over the small table she had set up beside them.

Melissa was just about to tell Diana she was good to go when it all started. The lights above them flickered, causing the two women to exchange a look. Jumping off the bed, Diana stepped in front of Melissa, slowly inching her way toward the door to take a look outside, but, just before she could actually reach for the handle, all hell broke loose. People were screaming and crying and running and Diana widened her eyes, taking a step back as Melissa moved to stand right behind her.

"What's happening?" The nurse asked, but, before Diana could even start to come up with something to say, a voice rang through the PA system.

"Code white." It said. "This is a code white everybody!"

"What's a code white?" Diana asked, causing Melissa to sigh.

"Full hospital evacuation." She said.

"Oh, God... That's not good, is it?" Diana asked, rhetorically, but, just as quickly, a powerful roar was heard through the hallways, bouncing off the walls and making the door shake. "Yeah, that's definitely not good."

As more and more people rushed past their door, the two of them waited out the commotion for a second and, eventually, the hoard of people stopped rushing by. Exchanging a look with one another, they reached a small understanding so Melissa moved to stand behind Diana as the girl reached again for the handle. The lights still flickered above them but the whole corridor was quiet, which scared Diana more than she cared to admit. Still, after receiving an encouraging nod from Melissa, Diana opened the door.

Stepping outside the empty corridor, Diana took a second to look around, assessing the damage. The whole space was messy, pieces of paper scattered around the floor but Diana didn't see any blood, so she assumed it had all been from the people's rush to run. Turning back around to look at Melissa, who waited for her signal inside the room still, Diana was about to call her over when, ahead of her, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open only to reveal to her something she never expected to see.

It looked exactly as she remembered it. It was huge, black, a thousand fangs, long claws, a body that didn't seem solid, but at the same time had the scariest shape but, the worst of all, the bright blue eyes that looked absolutely soulless and terrifyingly empty. Diana didn't understand, but she knew what she was seeing - it was the same creature from her night terrors as a child and, just like every time she was reminded of those events, Diana started to hyperventilate, her body frozen in place and tears falling down from eyes without her even noticing. The monster roared, loud and powerful again, the sound reverberating around Diana as the girl whimpered, coiling a bit into herself as Melissa widened her eyes.

"Diana!" She yelled, but the girl didn't move.

Instead, the creature in front of her did, running straight at her, as Diana struggled to even breath. Out of pure instinct, Melissa reached for the girl, grabbing her by the wrist as she pulled her back inside the room they had been in, closing the door just as the creature rushed past them. Melissa was frozen in place, holding her body up against the wall, but once she heard Diana wheezing quietly as she fell to her knees on the floor, Melissa was quick to act again.

Unspoken - Book 5 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now