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Alfred and Matthew always had an unique bond. To the outside world they may seem like two bickering siblings always insulting each other, but in reality you would never meet brothers who cared about each other so deeply.

Since they were young they looked out for each other. England and France were away most of the time, so it was up to younger nations to take care of themselves. After Alfred gained his independence, his brother grew distant and he would be lying if he said it didn't hurt. But nothing hurt as much as seeing his older brother, his hero, standing there with a torch, smiling as Alfred's beloved capitol burned to the ground. Alfred could deal with the pain of the flames, but nothing could heal his shattered heart. Tears ran down his soot-covered face as he gave into darkness.
When he came to, he was surprised to see the Canadian by his bedside, his soft violet eyes shining with in shed tears. The brothers didn't say anything, but just held each other closely, silent tears and apologies hanging in the air between them.
After the War of 1812, Matthew became clingy. Not that Alfred minded, he was glad he had someone he could talk to and hang out with. The brothers would send letters to each other. At first, Alfred enjoyed this hobby, but Matthew's letters soon became weird, asking him who he was hanging out with and what he did when Canada wasn't there. Alfred shrugged it off as Matthew being an overprotective brother.
When Alfred announced that Lithuania and Romano were to be housing with him, Matthew was furious. Why was Alfred inviting complete strangers into his house? Wasn't he worried that the two nations would try to pull something? Angered, Alfred told Matthew to get out of his house. A few days later, Lithuania and Romano said they would find different lodgings. That  same day, Alfred got a letter from his brother apologizing and asking him to dinner.
When the stock market crashed, Alfred's life seemed to go down with it. He felt helpless and the endless insults from the other nations didn't help. He knew it was his fault, did they have to rub it in. On a certain day, it was the breaking point of the poor American. But, of course, his brother, his dear Matthew, was there to catch him before he could fall. As Alfred cried into his shoulder about what was happening, he missed the murderous look that came into Matthew's eyes.
It was 1989 when Alfred met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He fell in love instantly and asked the woman out. After a few months, Alfred even brought a ring. Two days later, he read in the news that the body of his beloved had been found. Sorrow and anger were all he felt as he collapsed into heart wrenching sobs. His brother stopped by at the exact moment and encircled him in his arms, murmuring soft words. Alfred didn't question had Matthew was there so quickly, or that he was even dating anyone, he was just glad to have his brother with him.
Alfred stopped falling in love. Every relationship ended in tragedy, his partner dying in a brutal way or going missing. And he knew. God, he knew what was happening, and it sickened him. But it was going to be okay soon. Because he loved his brother and his brother loved him. So whenever Canada gave him that sweet smile, he smiled back.

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