CH2: Cause

493 15 4

Tubbo: Why did dream turn to child again?

Eret: He is looks like 5 years?

Wilbur: Wait....How old is-

Techno: He...

Tommy: nono-

Wilbur: Calm down tommy.

Tommy: W-When i was like him, they-he-you know what i mean right?!

Tommy shout out at wilbur.

Wilbur and Techno: I know what are you mean. We know.

Tommy: Then why are you so calm down?!

Techno: Tommy. You have to calm down-

Tommy: I AM calm down! I AM calming down.

Wilbur: Tommy! You have to calm down or dream will get scared!

Tommy: ! ...Sorry.

Tubbo thinks: Tommy get panic? Is that- What don't i know and what do they know?

Sam: Because of that arrow?

Bad: I don't think so. I look that arrow but it was normal.

Sam: Then why?

Wilbur: I think-

Wilbur stop talking and look at techno and tommy.

Techno: ....Dream is playing with philza. That's fine.

Tommy: Yeah. You can tell him after this.

Wilbur: But he doesn't want to talk about his past.

Tommy: I know. We know but some part is okay....i think.

Techno: Just one word. One word is fine.

Wilbur: I think his trauma or....past.

Tubbo: What do you mean "His trauma"?

Wilbur: Well....when quackity try to kill him....

Techno: He thought....he flash back some part of his past

Wilbur and Techno: Maybe.

Tubbo: Past? Dream's past? I don't understand.

Tubbo look at tommy.

Tommy: I -We can't tell more. You know....he doesn't like it.

Tubbo: Then how we turn back him?

Tommy: ......

Wilbur: Fix it.

Quackity: What?

Wilbur: If we can fix his trauma which means things that he is afraid of, we can turn back him.

Tommy: Maybe it will work!

Techno: Guys but it is-

Wilbur: I know but tha-this is the only way for now!

Tubbo: Okay. But how? We don't know what he afraid of.

Tommy: ...We will fine out.

Wilbur: Yeah...Yet we don't know what it is.

Tubbo: Okay. So tommy, techno and wilbur will be with him all time.

Wilbur, Techno and Tommy: Got it.

Tubbo: Others and i will find out. 

Can they fix his trauma?

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