CH3: Brothers

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Tommy: We are arrive now guys.

Dream: Yay! Logsted shire!

Wilbur: Oh so it's here.

Tommy: Let's go!

Dream: Yeah!

Wilbur: Guys don't run you will-

Dream: We're fine!

Tommy: Yeah wilbur. Come here!

Wilbur: Okay okay.

Wilbur run to them.

Dream and tommy smile at each other.


Dream: ....Tommy?

Tommy: Yes?

Dream: Do you have nickname?

Tommy: ...Do you remember when i told you my past?

Dream: Yes.

Tommy: My parents called me "Tom" for nick name.

Dream: Cool name!

Wilbur: Yeah tommy. That is cool nickname.

Tommy: You can call me tom....sometimes.

Dream: Really?

Tommy: Yeah.

Dream: Yay! Can I call you "Big bother"?

Tommy: ....*Laugh* hahaha, yeah of course.

Wilbur: It's remind me you call dream "Big D"

Tommy: Yeah me too.

Dream: You are my big brother from now!

Tommy: I become big brother from now.

Wilbur: And am I your biggest brother or father?

Dream and Tommy: Biggest brother wil!

They laugh and lay down on the ground.

Dream: Look. Stars.

Tommy: Yeah it's beautiful.

Wilbur: Oh hey wish! Wish something!

Dream, Tommy and Wilbur: I wish this family is together forever.

 They look at each other.

Dream: Hahaha, we wish same thing!

Tommy: haha, yeah!

Wilbur: Then its means wish is very strong!

Dream and Tommy: True.

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