Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(not edited)

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(not edited)

SEPTEMBER 14, 2030.

Hope and Landon dated, but they never went on dates. Unless you count the starry nights at Food Truck Thursday's in the next town over, nothing much had changed since their friendship had evolved. And of course, her and Josie never went anywhere alone together in public. They'd never even dated.

So really, Hope has never been on a date before.

But this isn't a date. It's just two friends hanging out because they're bored. So, Hope doesn't know why she changes her clothes from this morning, or why she chooses to wear the sweater that Ethan himself had thrifted for her. She doesn't know why she puts on makeup and then stares at herself in the mirror for a good ten minutes, practically watching the butterflies twirl in her stomach. She doesn't even know why she waits for him on the porch while tapping her foot on the ground to the beat of the cicadas until she sees his headlights shine.

And most importantly, Hope doesn't know why she blushes when Ethan rushes out of his car to open the passenger door.

"Oh," she smiles. "Thanks."

"Is opening the door, like, misogynistic of me? Maya sometimes says so, but I see it done in the movies still and I don't really know if I should—"

Hope's laugh cuts him off. "It's fine, Ethan. Thanks."

In the car, Hope recognizes the song playing softly through the speakers— Ocean Avenue by Sum41. Not exactly the taste in music she was expecting, but she isn't complaining.

It's quiet. Ethan hasn't driven away yet, let alone buckled up. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of pop punk rhythms. Outside, the porch is nearly pitch-black, the porch light still broken. Hope realizes at that moment she had forgotten to tell Alaric he needed to change the bulb. She bites her lip, fingers toying together as she thinks of a million and one things to say, but none of them sound right.

"I like this song." "Do you like this song?"

They laugh. She scratches the back of her neck and curls into herself, heat rising to her cheeks. This isn't like her. Hope isn't nervous around boys or girls, she hasn't been in a long time. Not since she's gotten back.

"I guess that answers it," Ethan runs his fingers through his hair, a smile sitting on his mouth. Hope steals a glance, but looks away fast. "So, I have an idea of where we could go."

Hope hums. "Yeah? Where?"

"This guy from school, Jed, he's having a movie night at his place."

"Sounds cramped," Hope raises a brow.

Ethan grins. "The guy is loaded. He does these movie nights every now and then, used to do them a lot more, but he sets up a whole theater in his backyard. Concession stand, bean-bags, twinkle lights. It's actually really cool," Ethan persuades. "If you're into that, of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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