answers to medium questions

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1. The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades, The Blood of Olympus

2. He was smelly

3. Percebeth

4. Riptide

5. Magnus Chase

6. Horses

7. The Titan's Curse

8. The Lotus Hotel

9. Lester Papadopoulos

10. Capture the Flag

11. Daedalus

12. Shadow Travel

13. The stars

14. Six

15. Elizabeth

16. The Bermuda Triangle

17. A strawberry field

18. Hephaestus

19. The Hoover Dam

20. Mrs O'Leary

21. The Golden Fleece

22. Artemis

23. The Princess Andromeda

24. Circe

25. Grover

26. Horse and fish

27. Charmspeak

28. Actor

29. Thalia Grace

30. Latin

31. Poseidon

32. Echidna and the Chimera

33. The Fields of Asphodel

34. The River Styx

35. Forgetfulness

36. Celestial Bronze

37. Yancy Academy

38. Las Vegas

39. A faun

40. Percy

41. Hera's (zero)

42. Hermes (#11)

43. Clear Sight

44. A traffic light

45. Annabeth

46. Bronze

47. Scylla

48. A guinea pig

49. Heights

50. Grover

Percy Jackson quizOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora