hard questions

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1. Who illustrated most of the Percy Jackson book covers?

2. Which Legion is Percy the former Praetor of?

3. Who originated the Broadway role of Percy Jackson?

4. What is Percy's birthday (month, day, year)?

5. What is Gabe's last name?

6. What did Gabe smell like?

7. What animal attacked Percy when he was a baby?

8. Why did Percy's mom name him after Perseus?

9. In what year was Nico di Angelo born?

10. What is the name of the room in Olympus where Percy battles Kronos?

11. How many days did Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus?

12. Name two of the three stories within The Demigod Files.

13. According to the prophecy in Titan's Curse, one shall perish by what?

14. What colour was the hairbrush that Rachel used to hit the Lord of the Titans in the eye?

15. Which goddess controls The Mist?

16. Where is the "land beyond the gods"?

17. What kind of ship is Argo II?

18. What name did Daedalus use while he was in disguise?

19. Mount Saint Helens replaced which famous mountain as the prison holding Typhon?

20. What is the name of Thalia and Jason's mother?

21. How old was Annabeth when she first came to Camp Half-Blood?

22. Why did Luke's mother go insane?

23. What moniker does Atlas go by?

24. How did Zoe Nightshade die?

25. Name three Party Pony chapters that helped out during the Battle of Manhattan.

26. Who is the other daughter of Aphrodite who can use Charmspeak?

27. Finish this line of the prophecy from The Lightning Thief: "You shall go west, and face..."

28. What is Riptide's Greek name?

29. What name does Apollo take when he disguises himself as a hobo?

30. What area of his body did Luke choose for his weakness after bathing in the River Styx?

31. What is the number used to denote the plan that activates the automatons around NYC?

32. What is the Greek name for Piper's dagger?

33. Who built the Wolf House?

34. What word does Percy shout at Annabeth to snap her out of the Lotus Hotel's spell?

35. Which demigod possesses ferrokinesis?

36. What actress does Aphrodite dislike?

37. Percy agreed to write Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes after being bribed with what?

38. What goddess does Percy merge within The Crown of Ptolemy?

39. What is the full name of Percy Jackson's little sister?

40. At what mile marker do Percy and the others meet Bacchus outside Topeka, Kansas?

41. What are the names of Annabeth's twin baby brothers?

42. What kind of creature is Porkpie?

43. Who is described as an orthodontist's nightmare?

44. What nickname does Percy call Thalia when he's angry?

45. After calling Hera "Her Majesty, the Loose Cannon," what does the goddess threaten to turn Thalia into?

46. How does Percy describe Hercules?

47. What does braccas meas vescimini mean?

48. When the boy from Colorado wandered into the Hunters' camp, what animal did Artemis turn him into?

49. Hermes gives Percy a collectable thermos from what television show?

50. Who were the original Athenians?

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