~ Actions And Reactions ~

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Three days passed, and L still hadn't seen Bryce. It wouldn't have bothered her as much, except she'd spent all of that time 'guarded' by someone, with no time to herself. Mostly, she was accompanied by Matilda, who stayed over so they could do things together. L hadn't ever felt so feminine in her entire life.

The first night they'd had a sleepover, Matilda had brought make-up and hair accessories and insisted on making L over- just for fun. L had looked in the mirror an hour later to see a stranger looking back at her; make-up all over her face, her hair styled into waves and flicks, with bows and flowers everywhere.

She had waited until Matilda fell asleep before washing it all off, just so she didn't offend her. Matilda had done most of the talking, too. She talked about guys she'd dated in the past, guys she liked now. Most of them had been other Nature related creatures that L knew nothing about. Then Matilda had asked about L's love life, which was a non-existent subject for L. She'd never felt anything like that for anyone; and from what she'd seen of people in relationships, she didn't want to.

When L had told Matilda that, she seemed to find it ridiculous.

"Feelings and falling in love are a part of nature, a part of life! It might be messy, but it's always worth it. Even if you get hurt, you have still experienced those feelings and learned things for next time."

L could remember fighting the urge to argue with her and tell her it was all a waste of time, but she didn't think it would get through anyway.

L had felt enormously thankful when Maeve came to take over the next morning, things were more comfortable between them. Maeve seemed to understand L's personality much better and didn't impose any activities on her. They simply spent time together. They took a walk on one of the days Bryce was absent, and Maeve explained a bit more about her own species.

Elementals were some of the oldest species in the world, older than the Keepers and many others. Something she questioned L briefly about, probably to see what she knew already. L tried to be discreet about what Bryce had told her. She was irritated with him, but she didn't want to get him into trouble.

Maeve seemed to be looking for more, but she didn't question L further. She explained how Elementals could be seen everywhere if you knew what to look for; in rivers and oceans, in the flames of a fire, or even in the wind. Their powers affected the whole world. They were quite formidable, though generally peaceful creatures.

"Except against Demons and polluters." Maeve had joked, but L had a feeling there might be some truth to it.

She liked that Maeve didn't hold back. It made L feel more relaxed around her, and their walk felt more comfortable and less like a lesson. When they got back to L's cottage, they ate together, and Maeve let L help after insisting repeatedly. Maeve also let L know that the Council would be back in session that day.

L felt simultaneously glad and annoyed. She had a mountain of things to ask them, but she got the impression she wouldn't be allowed in. Maeve politely confirmed L's suspicion when she asked. She offered to take her questions to them instead. L just had to pick carefully between the things she knew and what she needed to know.

In the end, she asked Maeve if she could find out where Bryce was and what he was doing. And to ask the Council when they would tell her more about her involvement with all of this. Maeve had hesitated at first, confirming what L had suspected, that something big was up, but after a moments pause, she finally agreed.

L wasn't sure if she would get the truth, nor why she couldn't just go to the Council herself like she had the first night she'd arrived. Vadim had said he would explain everything that was going on. He knew so much more about who she was, about her parents, and she was so close to finding out. She also couldn't stop thinking about what was so intriguing about those police officers.

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