•~•~•chapter three•~•~•

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You saw your principal along with a number of guys and girls that look about your age 'woah wtf why are there so many beautiful guys and girls in my school principal's office' you thought

"Ok so now that the president is already here where's the vice-president and the captain's and instructer and guiders ?' your principal Mrs.Im Jin-ah aka Mrs.nana inquired

"I got dragged here and didn't get time to-" as you were about to continue your words got cut off with a knock on the door

*Knock knock*

"mam may I have your permission to enter your office?" You heard a familiar voice- 'wait that sounds like Ming Ming eonnie' you Muttered to yourself in a very low voice

"Yes...make it quick you're wasting my time.." Mrs.nana replied

'wow rude' you heard a guy who was standing beside you from the crowd of new students mutter And as sure Mrs.nana heared it too but you were surprised when she just glanced at him and ignored it like it was not serious

'she would've suspended me if she heard me talk back to her orders' you thought

As Ming eonnie entered the room you heard her conversation with Mrs.nana

"Where are the administration heads of the school ? I remember asking a girl to remind you all that there are new students joking so the school heads be ready at my office door at 8:00 exact to welcome the new kids...but what ? Huh ? What's is this behaviour? I thought you were the head girl and the president of the school administrations? Do you want me to expell you both ?" Mrs.nana scolded me and Ming eonnie

"Mrs.nana I'm really sorry the accident in the morning ruined it all ...and we didn't get the information until today at 7:30 and especially y/n had no idea about it since the girl was not paying attention properly so she mis-interpretateted it and I'll make sure to let her face harsh consequences but please don't scold or punish y/n as she's clearly innocent and if you want to you can punish me and scold me instead" Ming Ming eonnie explained and fought back

"Eonnie what are you saying ...forget it it's not even your fault so don't think about taking my punishments" you whispered to her

"No chit-chatting infront of me" mrs.nana screamed 'damn woman chill ....who hurt you' you thought to yourself

" I'm really sorry mam but classes are about to start so I should really go take the new students to the administration room and lead them so they can continue their classes without interruptions" Ming eonnie declared

"Ok I'm letting you go since it's about time for class to start ....now get out..."mrs.nana demanded

Ming eonnie went forward and called the students to follow her to the administration room as I was about to also follow her and head out with her too Mrs.nana called out for me

"Except for the president y/n everyone leave..." Mrs.nana said

'fuck' you Muttered

"Mam sorry to interrupt but may I ask why do you need my associate-president-head girl ? As the second-nominated- president -head girl I have every rights to know what goes with my junior associate-president -head girl ..." Ming eonnie questioned

Before mrs.nana could tell at her I quickly passed an 'i'll be okay' look to her before pushing her out and closing the door

"Now miss Seo y/n let's talk about your behaviour shall we?"

"Why'd you use words that are not allowed to be used in the school's presence ?
Why'd you yell at me when you know there's huge consequences for that?
Why were you interrupting people's conversation..
And lastly why were you sacrificing and putting your life in danger so that we could escape? You know you could've got shot right ? You know that I could've lost one of my favourite student and one of my school's pride in a stupid school shooting right?"

You smiled at her words "yes Mrs.nana I am well aware about that but as a head girl and a president I should be responsible if one of my teachers and schoolmates get hurt" you tried sounding as much as concerning acting as if you didn't titled all of them as 'fake snakes' the moment you stepped into the school 'well their fake af personality deserved being called snakes' you convinced yourself....

"Ok just write an apology letter for your mistakes I noted down before and now get out I need to prepare things for the collaboration of my husband's company please leave and go instruct the new students" Mrs.nana replied with a sigh

"Thank you Mrs.nana" and with that you left her huge ass office

And when you were about to reach the administration room you were pulled in the staff's room 'geez chill ...damn people I know it's Monday and y'all are also having a bad day but y'all gotta stop with the dragging/pulling people like how my mom did my hair when I was younger' you Muttered

"Listen here y/n I heard how you were trying to trick mrs.nana and I don't know why that stupid bitch nana listened to your nonsense shits and hear me out no matter what you do my daughter's the best and is always and was always so get your shit together and move out from this school along with your friends so my daughter will be recognised and will be favoured more.....remember that what you did today is not very heroic and that my daughter could've easily stopped it if she wasn't with her boy friend and also my daughter gets most of the boys and she gets to hook up with many men while you haha bet you haven't even held a guys hand she attracts males while you don't evn attract anyone" you heard 'her' say

'Ughhh not this delusional and lying mother-daughter pair again with her deadass not-so-funny-jokes on how her daughter is wayy better than me which is definitely not true' you thought

"Well Mrs.Jang I'm listening to you right now so sums up with how Mrs.nana listened to me right....and also if your daughter's so great why was she not selected by the world leaders for being a suitable candidate....and you know that cheap products attract many customers right? Oh well it implies in your daughter too...notice how your daughter gets thrown around like a ragged doll just because you want her to earn fame but do you see her relationship last for more than 4 days ? No right ? So stop flexing about something that makes us womans loose our dignity....and I gotta go coz I'm a really busy woman ....and I'm not busy letting men ruin my dignity and pride over fame and even though I ever do I would be very ashamed of myself and never step out of the house again....and I don't want to waste further time on you ....I shall take my leave...thanks for wasting my precious time" you said and YEET yourself out of the staff's room and head for the administration room


_End of flashback_

Hello guys I know I've been updating late and not being regular but please do understand that I'm having a hard time in school and at home too so hope you don't mind me and hope you enjoyed ♡

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