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I woke up to the sound of a constant beeping. Muffled voices echoed around me. I opened my eyes, absorbing my surroundings, I was dressed in bleached hospital clothes. The smell of clorox and sickness lingered in the air. A nurse with kind eyes came into my room and rested her hand on my arm.

"You're lucky your boyfriend brought you here." She smiled.

"I, don't have a boyfriend.." as if on cue, a boy, about my age trotted in. His long brown hair brushed over his eyes. He stood next to me.

"Parker." He spoke as if reading my mind. "I came in late, but I volunteered to take you here.."

I was slightly taken aback, confused on what to say. "You were on the plane?" My voice was small and weak. He nodded.

The nurse cut in "What can you tell me about the crash." The nurse cooed. I shook my head, feeling tears well in my eyes.

"Flames, and... Screams... children.." my voice caught in my throat.

"Try and get some rest, your dinner will be in here soon." She turned and nodded to Parker and left.

"I want to know to." His voice was clear, yet somehow gentle. I nodded. "I lost my brother... I was a foster child, he was all I had..." with that the room went silent, other than the constant moaning of the machines that monitored me. PTS disorder, that's what they said.

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