Welcome Back Home

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"Welcome back home, (L/N)"

Your eyes widen in joy when you spotted the small hand written sign as you excited the arrival gates of Haneda Airport. 


It has been years since you had last returned to Japan and it feels great to finally be back. After years of overseas missions and postings, you finally found time to take a break and return to Japan. Afterall, after years of being alone in foreign countries, you grew homesick and when the chance came for you to return home, you took it immediately. You walked towards the unknown junior wearing the ever familar Jujutsu High School's uniform holding up the sign and introduced yourself. You smiled to youself as the sight of the uniform that has not changed since you schooling days.  Nervously, the junior introduced herself and asked if you were ready to head back to the school. You slightly chuckled at her response and nodded. 

You spent most of your life in Jujutsu High, and you remember all your memories of your time in the school like it was yesterday. You wonderful peers, talented seniors, precious juniors and amazing teachers, all whom you had to leave behind when you received your first overseas posting. You were excited to meet them all again and catch up. Once at the school, you met up with the school's principal, Masamichi sensei to discuss your new posting. 

Due to the situation of Sukuna's vessel, you have been posted to assist the Head of the Year 1s. You saw Masamichi sensei start to frown as he mentioned that the head of the year 1s was late again, and started to ask the others in the room where he was. When no one could give him a response, he just sighed and said that he will usher you to meet your new students.

Once outside the classroom, you started to get slightly nervous as you heard the students bickering inside. Masamichi-san chuckled at your nervousness, as it was a rare right.

'You will be fine (L/N).'

You nodded in response to this reassuring statement and the two of you walked into the classroom.

The three students immediately stopped bickering as the two of you walked in. Masamichi sensei greeted the students and introduced you as the assistant head for the year 1s. Masamichi sensei got a text and said he had to go. He then left you alone with your new students.

You stood in front of the students, not knowing what to do or say. You were thinking about what to say when your thoughts were interrupted by a boy wearing a red hoodie.

'(L/n) sensei, are you new? I haven't seen you in school before.'

You then introduced yourself to the students, and as you talked more, their eyes started to widen. They were impressed with your profile.

After talking with the students and knowing more about them, you felt more comfortable around the students. You learnt their names, skills and about Yuji's situation. They told you the things they wanted to learn from you, and you promised that you will pass on your curse tracking and sniping skills to them. Even through you had just met them, you already felt protective over your 3 new students. You just knew that they are bright and talented students, with much potential. At that moment, you swore that you would keep them safe.

While talking to the students, suddenly you heard someone walk towards the classroom.

'Good Morning everyone!!' the person greeted

You turned around to see who it was.

'Gojo Senpai?' You exclaimed in shocked.

Gojo's face lit up with a smile when he saw you in the classroom.

'(L/n) - chan! You are back! Welcome home~'

You couldn't believe it. Your crazy irresponsible senior has somehow became the head of the year 1s.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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