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As one of the best level 2 sorcerers in Jujutsu High, you have been tasked with  tracking curses which have leaked out of Japan and containing or eliminating them. As you are in foriegn land which does not recognise Jujitsu sorcerers, you have to do so discreetly and thus, mainly use a sniper rifle as a conduit for your curses. You have embed your curse into these bullets, where a larger calliber bullet will hold more curse. Your cursed technique allows you to control your bullets so that they hit the target everytime.

After being posted overseas alone for so many years, you somehow forgot how to connect with people. Everywhere you go, you will have many admirers, but you have turned them all down. Therefore, you are known as the Ice Princess.

You have been posted for many consecutive overseas missions and it has been 7 years since you last returned to Japan.

One day, you recieved a call from your old teacher, Masamichi sensei, who has asked for your help to contain a new situation that has arised at your alma mater, Jujitsu High School. You were told that Sukuna's vessel has emerged and has been enrolled in the school. With the reduction of the number of curses and the threat of curse leakages lowered, the school decided that you should return to assist in managing the vessel.

You accepted your new mission, and quickly hopped on your flight back home.

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