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Akali: I can't wait to go trick-or-treating.

Kai'Sa: Yea, we know you've been talking about it for the past week.

Akali: Well soooorrry trick-or-treating is a fun activity to do.

Kai'Sa: I'm sorry, but aren't you a little to old for trick-or-treating

Evelynn: Now now Kai'Sa, Akali is only excited about her favorite holiday.

Evelynn: Anyway, darling how about me and you go upstairs and I'll give you a treat for you.

Akali: Alright!! Wait why do you keep candy in your room.

Evelynn: This isn't some random piece of candy Akali it's something only I can give you.

Akali: Oh ok!!

Kai'Sa: [confused] Wait Evelynn doesn't eat candy.


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