Halloween speical pt6🎃Kai'Sa

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Yea yea 2 days late.

Kai'Sa: Really setting her on the couch just to draw on her face. Real professional Eve, real professional.

Evelynn: Well what else are we supposed to do?

Kai'Sa: [sigh] You could've at least not have drawn on her face. Why did you even do that?

Evelynn: I have my reasons, personal reasons.

Akali: Aww, I'm sorry Kai'Sa now you won't able to get a chocolate from Ahri.

Kai'Sa: It's alright, but I wanna ask a question. Was Evelynn in on it?

Akali: Kinda, she saw me with the fake spider a couple days back then asked if we should do a prank with it.

Kai'Sa: Since we are down one person why don't we just hang for a bit-

Evelynn: [Whispers to Akali] Why don't me and you head to my room, I can give you way more treats up there.

Kai'Sa: But there will be a few rules.

Evelynn: a few what?

Kai'Sa: We need to stick together there's no telling when someone could break into our home.

Evelynn: Kai'Sa we live in a penthouse, the doors are lock, and we have kitchen supplies to defend ourselves with we are completely safe.

Kai'Sa: Evelynn there's-

Evelynn: Kai'Sa if someone decided to attack us the power would go off.

[power goes off]

Evelynn: Uhhh, the owner would tell us they have invaded this place and then the our cell phone connection would go off.

[phone rings]

Evelynn: [answer her phone] Hello, mhm mhm mhmmm[hangs up].

Kai'Sa:Well who was that?

Evelynn: That was the manager, he said some random people have invaded this build and then...

Kai'Sa: And then what?

Evelynn: Then the cell phone connection cut off.


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