3- Room Decor

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Dabi's POV

Ya know it's hard to stay hidden sometimes. I always have a difficult time since, ya know, my scars are the very first thing people notice about me. It's also one thing that causes me pain every single day but I ignore it half the time


As I was walking, Toga and Twice came up to me, wanting to follow me wherever I go now. I groaned and stood there, watching them closely. "What do you want?" "We wanna stick with you. No one else wanted us around" I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. "And what makes you think I'll want you guys around?" she looked offended but what can I say, they'll just get in the way of me trying to steal from people. Speaking of stealing, a person walks right by me with their wallet in their back pocket. I smile as it was filled with cash, you could just see it

I reach carefully and take it out as gently as I can basically walking with them. Once I got it, I smiled taking all the cash that was inside and quickly putting it in my pocket. "Hey that woman just stole from you!" I looked at a man that pointed at me as the people around us turned around. Before I knew it my hood was pulled down. That's when I knew I had to run. I can't go to jail. Not now. I threw the wallet back at the man as I started running pulling Toga and Twice along with me. "Stop her!" I heard as I felt heat becoming closer and closer to us. I look back and of course it has to be my worthless father Endeavor. I can never get a break can I. "Come on!" I yelled as I ran as fast as I could. It's hard to run in heeled boots I swear

I feel like my heel is literally going to break with how fast I'm running. I was pushing people out of the way which I got some yelling in return but I didn't care I had to get out of there. I see the exact store I wanted to go to and quickly ran in. I hide in the darkest corner I can find and pull the psycho and deadpool reject with me as I watch Endeavor run in looking around. "What are you-" "Shut the fuck up Toga. Now isn't the time" I said making sure she hears the venom lacing my tone

"Did you see three villains run in here just now?" he asks the man at the front and thankfully he shakes his head no. I watch him take one last look around before leaving. "Go look around, get what you want and we're leaving. Hurry up" I said as I pushed them off me and left them alone after I knew it was clear to look around. I basically got some paint for my walls, space stickers to go up on my ceiling, posters of my favorite bands I was able to find and black bedsheets. I'll get the blanket later. I head back to the front, placing the stuff down allowing him to ring the items up. I give him the amount owned and wait outside for Toga and Twice

I light a cigarette as I'm waiting only to have it smacked out of my hand. I was about to burn whoever it was till I seen the two staring at me with their things they wanted. I groan as I walk away taking the alleyways to get back to base instead. I'm not risking running into that flaming pile of trash again. As we walk back inside, I go right to my room and place the stuff down on my bed. I had to go back out to get a couple more things so that's exactly what I did

One hr later

After I had everything I needed, I started moving my bed and bedside table out of the way to paint my wall. I decided this one was gonna be purple. While the others will be black so I got to work on doing what I wanted. It took awhile to get the one wall done but I managed. I also got white paint to touch up the ceiling since it was looking a bit yellow. I wasn't a fan of that at all. Though I'm glad there's windows in this room cause I got some black curtains to cover them. Best thing about these ones are that there's fur at the top of them so I'm happy with that

As the paint was drying, I started on my other walls to get it done and over with

Time went by and the walls were finally dry after my sitting in the middle of my room for about two hours scrolling through social media. I hard a soft knock at my door as I told them to come in. I was met by my boss as he had one finger lifted on the doorknob "just coming to see how it's going. Nice color choices" "Thanks I guess" for some reason it feels weird to even get compliments from him but oh well. "I'll leave you be though. You have a lot to do with this room" with that he closed my door, leaving me alone again. I sighed as I stood up and plugged my phone into a speaker I stole to play some music. I was doing all of this in pure silence so far if I'm being honest. It was starting to get on my nerves

As music was playing, I was changing the grey sheets to the black ones I got and changed the blankets to the purple ones I have now that have spider webs on them. It was actually pretty soft if I'm being honest. I tried to get things that I would like and you bet that I did

More time went by and my room was finally done. I had a fluffy rug on my floor in front of my bed, the black curtains up on my windows, lamps on the table and my dresser, a tapestry hanging over my bed with lights around it, soft pillows on my bed, the posters were up on my walls, I had animal skulls on my dresser and the doors to the closet were also painted with the purple paint I had. My door to my room was painted black but on the outside I painted it purple so others know it's my room

I was gonna add designs to my door but of course I decided against that so my door is just purple on the outside for right now. I'll probably add something to it at some point. I stood up as I was getting tired. My body hurt a lot as everything I was doing was pulling at my scars every so often. I turned my music off though as I grabbed my pj's from last night with a clean bra and underwear heading towards the bathroom. I grabbed my towel as well since we were provided with those for right now. Tomorrow I'll get my own towel and soap as well as some more clothes so I can wear other things. For right now, I'm gonna try and get a shower the best I can, hoping the water can calm me down a little

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how I get a shower and everything since it's common sense by now. Once I'm done, I always have to be careful with drying my scars cause I don't need my staples accidentally falling off with the tug of the towel. I get dressed and look at my self as my hair drips. I see my roots are slowly going back to white so I'm gonna have to get hair dye again. There is no way I'm gonna allow them to see my hair color. Fuck that


Once I walk out the bathroom, I walk back to my room and sit down on my bed yawning. I checked the time seeing it was already 11 at night so I decided to go to sleep. I haven't ate today though so I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach but I don't care. I'm used to this feeling already

Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better for me


Word count: 1416

I wanted to have this out earlier but sadly I failed at that. I tried my best with how tired I am rn so hopefully it's ok for y'all. I did a lot today so that's the only reason why I didn't get it out when I wanted

Anyway I also tried to describe how her room looks but ya know, not to good at that

I wrote this when I'm hella tired so whatcha expect lol


If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Bye pumpkins 🎃 🍂🏳️‍🌈

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