6- A Hero Wants to Join the League?

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Dabi's POV

It's been awhile since we've got a new person in the league. The people we've had weren't that great and got caught by pros. How sad. Not my problem though. They wanted to join but look what happened to them. Sometimes I wish Shigaraki would choose better people or even better villain to join our little group. Not gonna lie, he's getting on my nerves just a little. Not to much only a little bit

We were all together in the living room till Shigaraki came bursting through the door, scaring us a little. "Dabi I need a favor from you?" "Yeah sure. What can I do for you baby?" he came over to me as he looked at me right in the eyes. Creepy if you asked me. "Someone wants to join the league. She didn't specify who she was nor did she give me her name. She said she can give us valuable information that she has. I don't know if that's true or not but I want you to meet her tonight. I'll send you the location she sent me so you two can meet up" he said as I nodded slowly

"So I'm now just someone who goes around recruiting people? Why can't Spinner do it. He barely does anything" I looked at him as I glared daggers in that filthy lizards way. "I do stuff!" "Shut the fuck up lizard!" I yelled back before Shigaraki grabbed my attention with a hold on my face with three fingers. "Pay attention Dabi. This is important. You will go to this location at midnight to meet up with her and see what she wants from us. Tell me her quirk as well. I want to see if she can be useful to us"

"Fine..." I said as he gave me a quick kiss. "Thank you darling. I love u" with that he walked away to a spot in the room and sat down with the lizard to play a video game. "Yeah...love u too" I didn't even love him anymore. It's been a month since we started dating. I think it was just a small crush. Whenever we kiss, cuddle, hold hands and so forth...it just makes me sick now. I hated faking something but oh well

I went back to making my food as I thought about who could want to join the league. I hope she's nice at least

Time skip

It was time for me to go to finally meet whoever this mystery person was. For some reason they all stayed up till I had to go. Claimed they wanted to know who she was when I came back. Thing is, this place was in the middle of Japan. Far from where we were. I sighed as I got my boots on and got my stuff so I could go. I knew it would take at least an hour to get to the location and it was 10:30 at night right now so I'll get there at 11:30 at least. I wanted to get there before she did. I don't know why but it just seemed right

I walked out of my room to the front door as they were all sitting there. "Good luck Dabi!" Toga yelled as she waved to me. "Yeah whatever" I left after that not wanting to hear their voices anymore. I'm not gonna lie, it was good to be away from them for awhile. Especially with it being night, no one will be able to tell who I really am or even run. It's good to be out this late sometimes

At some point, I did make it to the location half an hr before 12. I don't know why she wanted to meet so late but I guess I'll be finding out soon

Time has passed and I heard footsteps echoing from behind me. I turned around as I was met with a smiling face and bright red wings. I know who she is. She's that new number two hero. Fastest hero alive. "Sorry if I kept you waiting. I just got off patrol so my wings are killing me" even her voice was nice. Hearing it over the TV just seemed so different but in real life, oh my god. I have to focus though. I can't make myself seem vulnerable

"Sure whatever. I'm not here to make small talk hero. What's a hero like you wanting to join us anyway. You would think someone like you, at the top of the ranks and rich, would love the life of being a top pro hero"

"Well actually you have that all wrong. Dabi is it?" I nodded as I just stared at her up and down. Not in a creepy way I swear. Ok maybe it is that way but can you blame me. Anyway- "I want out of this life. I've been trapped for to long and I want to feel free. All these hero's are fake and are just in it for the money. I mean who wouldn't right? Being the number one hero at that gives you loads of money. Don't get me wrong you would be lucky to actually be a hero but a lot comes from it that you most likely wouldn't have even signed up for. I just want to be able to feel something and be able to get away from all these fake hero's. I want in on the league. I agree with your guys' cause. It makes so much sense to me-"

"You talk to much. It's starting to give me a headache" I said in a bored tone as I was actually really tired. I just wanted to go to sleep. "Oh. I'm sorry" I sighed as shook my head, appalled she even apologized for talking to much. I mean, telling by how she looks and how much energy she has, you would guess that she is a person that talks a lot. "Whatever. Enough of this faking hero. What's the real reason you want to join us?" "I just told you. I'm tired of the fake hero's and always feeling like I'm caged in. I know, ironic isn't it? I'm a bird and I feel caged in"

I rolled my eyes as I sighed. I wanted to get this done and over with. "Say I believe you. What are you willing to do for us to meet the boss?" her eyes lit up at that and I have to say, it was the cutest thing ever. "I'll do anything" "Alright then. I think we're done here though hero" I started to walk past her till I felt a hand on my shoulder, holding it very gently with the softest touch I've felt in a while. "Wait. How are we gonna stay in contact if we don't have each other's numbers?" that made me blush the slightest bit but it quickly went away when I turned to her to meet her eyes. "Are you trying to flirt with me birdie?"

She took her hand off of me and took a step back away from me. "No! I just want to know how we're gonna stay in contact. I need some way-" "Hush it bird, you're to loud. Trust me I have my ways of being in contact with people. You'll know when it's me. Make sure you answer too. It'll come up as an unknown number. I expect you to answer when I call understand?" she nodded quickly as I turned back around and started to walk away, my boots echoing through the building as I walked

"Cya later birdie. I'll be in contact" I said as I was outside and walking away to go back to the base. It was already almost 1 in the morning. I'm so tired. I really hope no one is to loud or even awake when I get back

Yeah that was something I was hoping for but instead, when I walked back in, it was so loud. Everyone was in the other room but I could hear them screaming over a game. I went to them as I spoke "I'm back. And you guys are to loud. Could you be quiet" I went to sit down on the kitchen counter as they paused the game and quickly rushed over to me. "Who was it?" "What were they like?" "Were they nice?" I was getting all these questions at once that it was just making my headache worse that I got from the stupid bird

"Shut it!" I yelled as they went quiet making me sigh. "You're all acting like children right now. Just shut up so I can concentrate at one thing at a time" I rubbed my temples in aggregation and tried to focus really quick. "Alright. It was a girl, first of all. Secondly, she was nice yet annoying. Third, I don't think you guys would really agree on her joining the league" "Why not?" Shigaraki asked as I chuckled at that

"She's a hero. A top hero at that"

🌨❄•°•.•°• •°•.•°•❄🌨️🌨❄•°•.•°• •°•.•°•❄🌨️

Word count: 1522

I hope u enjoyed this chpt. For some reason it took me a bit to write and get out but at least it's here now right? I'm tryin to stay on top of updatin my stories and also doin my school work at the same time. School is just very tiring right now and I'm tryin my best with this

I also feel like this chpt kinda sucks but if u like it that's rlly good. I'm glad u liked it. I'm also gonna try to update my other stories this week too so I can at least have smth for this week

A lot is goin on rn tho so I'm sry if things aren't as good or if there's not another chpt for other stories like I promised. I'm tryin my hardest to focus on stuff

Anyway let me shut up

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya pumpkins 🎃 🍂🏳️‍🌈

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