Short story: part 1

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"BOO!" Two bit leaped out of the bushes at Dally.
"Get lost loser." Dally sneered at Two. "Halloweens for the kiddies."
It was two days until Halloween and Dallas was just about done with the holiday.
Dallas, Pony, Johnny, Two, and Y/N were walking  back to the Curtis's house from the movies.
"You ain't scared are ya?" Y/N bumped into Dally on purpose, egging him on.
" Halloween scarin ain't real scarin Y/N, I thought you were a real grease."
Two burst into laughter at Dal's insult but was immediately cut off at Y/N's responding glare.
" I don't know Pony.." Y/N shoulder bumped her friend. " I would think this," Y/N drew her blade on Dally's neck. "Would prove me grease enough." Both Ponyboy and Johnny gasped, but the real reaction Y/N was gearing for never happened. Dallas's cool expression only wavered briefly, then his typical smirk reformed.
"You're no fun." Y/N sheathed her knife, while Dal laughed at her failed attempt.

The small group arrived at the house just as the sun was setting. When Y/N opened the door something lunged at her.
"AHHH!" Y/N screamed.
"You should have seen your face!" Steve said As he removed the mask he has scared Y/N with. Y/N playfully punched Steve in return of the scare. To be honest Y/n liked being scared on Halloween, it was all part of the fun. It was nice of a change, enjoying being scared instead of being scared and watching your back all the time.
"The close is clear now Johnnycakes." Everyone turned towards Pony's voice. The sight was actually very cute. Out of being scared, Johnny had latched on to Pony's arm and had yet to let go.
Johnny heavily blushed. "Hm right." Poor Johnnycakes didn't enjoy the attention making him turn even redder. "What y'all lookin at?" Everyone quickly looked away, trying to act like they hadn't been staring at them a moment ago.
"What's everyone dressing as?" Darry asked from his chair in the corner.
"Come on Darry. We aren't kids anymore." Soda complained.
"Um excuse me mister but if I remember correctly, which of course I do, you agreed to doing a doubles costume."
"Uh oh."
"Mmmhm. Lucky for you I already have it planned out."
Y/n let out a little snicker at Soda's facial expression.
"Well good luck beating me and Pony's and Johnny's outfit." Y/n bragged.
"Oooh what is it?" Steve asked.
"Not so fast. You'll have to wait until the contest."
Steve made a disappointed sound.
"Who needs dress up. Everyone knows Halloween is all about the candy and booze!" Two held up his beer in celebration.
"You got have of that sentence right." Dal mumbled."
Mockingly Two mouthed Dal's words behind his back.
Pony held in a laugh,confusing Dallas.
Darry stood up from his chair. "Everyone ready to go." Darry's question was met with aloud "yessss!"
The entire gang headed out the door and then piled into Darry and Two's cars. They had a whole two days planned. Tonight they were going to the carnival and then tomorrow they were going trick or treating and going to the costume parade contest.

"Ooooh Candy apples!" Steve yelled as soon as they entered the carnival. Both y/n and Steve took off towards the food, because what's the fun of a fair if you don't end the night in a sugar high. When y/n and Steve returned to the group with a but load of treats, to find that the group had greatly minimized. Two had somehow convinced Dallas to play carnival games, which probably took a lot of persuading, Soda went off to meet up with his girlfriend Sandy, and Darry was hanging out with some of his old soc friends, which left just Pony and Johnny.
"You two look sadder then two deflated balloons." Steve laughed at his own joke and then poked Johnny in the ribs.
"Haha very fun Steve." Ponyboy said a bit to bitterly. Steve scoffed and then flounced off to gods nowhere.
"Bully." Pony mumbled. Pony and Steve didn't get a long that well normally, but today Pony seemed a bit more irritated then usual.
Y/n and Johnny made eye contact in the stretch of awkward silence that Pony had created, pleading the other to say something.
With a sigh Johnny broke the silence. "Anybody up for rides?"
Y/n replied a bit to enthusiastically with a very powerful "TOTALY"!
The pair managed to drag Ponyboy to two rollercoasters, a huge drop ride, and finally swinging chairs. Unfortunately three was an odd number so on the majority of the rides they had to alternate of who would ride together. It was Y/n's turn to be in the single seat behind the boys on the swings and she swore she saw them blush and squirm whenever they were swung into each other.
"Hey wanna ride the train? I heard it's all spooky." Ponyboy said. His bad mood had long ago been chased away. Y/n was about to agree when she saw how Johnny was looking at Pony.
"Uh actually I think I'm gonna go find Dal and dare him to come into a haunted house with me. But you and Johnny have fun."
"Oh okay. We can come with you if you want."
"Nah. You guys have fun." As she was leaving Y/n winked at Johnny, she swore she saw the corner of his mouth quirk up.

When Y/n found the rest of the gang Steve was playing the game where you hit the target and the person falls in the water, with Soda on the stand. Y/n walked over to Darry who was in hysterics for whatever reason, which was very unlike him.
"What's so funny Darr?" Y/n gave him a puzzled look.
"This dude claims he can play baseball but hasn't hit the target yet." He then proceeded to laugh as Steve through another ball.
Y/n had an idea. "Steve." Steve turned around at the sound of his friends voice. "Can I try?"
"Come on Y/n. You think you can do it better then me?"
"Better then nothin." Came Darry's voice. Steve just middle fingered him without a second glance.
"Try me." Y/n replied with compete confidence as Steve passed her the ball.
Soda's eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw Y/n get into position.
"Look Y/n you got nothin to prove as a gi.." But before Soda could finish his sentence Y/n through the ball at the target. It was as if time slowed. As the ball hit the target square in the middle Soda's face barely had time to react before he was dunked under.
" SHIBUYA!" Y/n cried pumping her fist in the air.
"Congratulations young Ms. Pick a prize, any prize." The booth tender asked Y/n he's gesturing to the wall behind him. Y/n pointed to a giant giraffe stuffy.
"Who's manly now?" Y/n danced around drenching wet Sodapop.
"Congratulations Y/n." Sandy said. Y/n never got the chance to thank her because she got all lovey dovey around Soda. Y/n made a gag imitation as she turned away from the happy couple.
"Hey Dal you up for the haunted house."
"Oh come on those things aren't scary." Dally lit a cigarette.
"Toooo scared scaredy-cat?" Dallas just rolled his eyes and started walking in the direction of the haunted houses. Y/n took that as a yes.
"Take care of Jefferey for me." Y/n shoved her stuffed giraffe into Steve's arms.
As they found a line to stand in Pony and Johnny came up to them.
"Hey how was the train?"
"Cool.Some funny jump scares too. Right Johnnycakes?"
"Mmmhm." Johnny blushed.
"Wanna join Dal and I in the haunted house?" Y/n laughed when Johnny shook his head furiously.
"Okay see you guys later."
"Y/n it's our turn." Dally's voice shook Y/n out of her daze.
"What's with you?" Y/n kept glancing behind her where Johnny and Pony used to be.
"Nothin." But she gave herself away by the huge grin on her face.

When they entered the haunted house Dal seemed like his normal cook collected self until the first scare. A creepy zombie came out of a door way scaring Y/n but not fazing Dally, until they felt a touch on their shoulder and saw a dead life sized doll behind them. At first Y/n thought it was her shrill voice until she realized her mouth was closed. She silently laughed at him.

"How was the house?" Darry asked. Y/n held in her much needed laugh.
"It was great, huh Dal?"
"Meh it was okay."
As they walked off Dallas bent down to Y/n's ear.
"Not a word." She couldn't stifle it any longer.

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