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Hawks was more of a nervous wreck right now than he has ever been this past week. Dabi excused himself and Hawks saying he wants to talk to him alone. This was what he's been waiting for all week, and the conversation is finally here. And Hawks feels so nauseous, and his hands are trembling in fear. He doesn't want to lose what he has, especially coming so far with Dabi and Toga. Hell, even with the League. He had barely talked with Shigaraki before, but him and Toga came to his rescue without a second thought. He wants what the League can offer him... what he wants Dabi to offer him. Even if they went back to just colleagues, at least it was better than those six years without him.

Dabi and he enter their old shared room, the one they've been sharing since they were four. A room he hasn't stepped into since he became a hero and moved out on his own. It was devastating sleeping in a room where the boy he spent fourteen years together with was gone. The last few months after Touya disappeared, Hawks opted to stay on the couch. Sleeping in the room alone left him with a heavy heart, an emptiness inside him that could never be filled without Touya. He had been so dependent on Touya for so long, that when he disappeared, Hawks lost himself.


Hawks is startled from the trance he didn't know he was in until Dabi's low voice interrupted his thoughts. His face pales once again, and this doesn't go unnoticed to Dabi. "Why do you look like you're going to have a nervous breakdown?"

"I-I don't know," Hawks lies.

Dabi snorts, "You can't hide anything from me, Hawks. You've been like this all week. What's got you all wound up?"

Hawks doesn't know how to answer this question. What can he say, Oh you know, I've just been worried that you'll leave me once again. That you want nothing to do with me, and that you'll go back being a villain and I'll just go back to being nothing.

"I'm sorry." Dabi's words shock Hawks, leaving him to say nothing, "I didn't trust you, and I listened to Hideki instead. It seems like everyone, including the League, believed you before I did. I'm supposed to be the one person who trusts you the most, and I didn't think things through. I'm sorry, Hawks."

"It's fine," and Hawks means it, "I should have told you a long time ago, but I didn't want you to think I'm a traitor. Endeavour offered me to infiltrate the League, and I said no until I found out who you are. I knew this was the chance of a lifetime, and I didn't tell you. I trust you Dabi, and nothing has changed. Despite everything, I still trust you. And whatever decision you make, I'll respect it. No matter if you want me out of the League for good, I'm not going back to being a hero. Maybe I'll go with Rumi."

"Why would I want you out of the League?" Dabi frowns, "You joining us was the best thing that could have happened. There's no way they want you out. No way I want you out."

Hawks fills with hope at his words, but it still doesn't crush his anxiety, "I-I don't know. I don't even know where I stand with you guys anymore. With you."

Dabi pauses, looking up into the ex hero's eyes. He looks a bit confused until it dawns on him, and he smiles, "We're both idiots, aren't we? Hawks, I want us to stay together until the end. I love you, pretty bird."

Hawks is absolutely flabbergasted at his words, and if his jaw wasn't connected by muscle and bone, it would be on the floor by now. "What?"

"I love you, Hawks. Why else would I have kissed you?"

"I-I don't know... since when?"

Dabi grins from ear to ear, "Well, if we're going far back, I guess I would say since we were kids. I did tell my mom I was going to marry you when I was five. No matter how far I ran away, I never stopped loving you. I told Toga that if anything ever happened to me, that she would go straight to you. You're the one person on this earth I would trust with my life. I'm just an idiot who was too cowardly to confess to you."

This Will End In Flames (DabiXHawks)Where stories live. Discover now