Chapter 3

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Angelo couldn't control the rush of need that attacked him when he saw the most beautiful woman he had every seen move out of the back of her car. Her shiny good red hair flamed her heart shaped her face to perfection.

Her violet /blue eyes beckoned to him like a seductress. And her mouth was, Oh God, her mouth, was pure sin. It was made to be kissed and worshiped by men.

'Hi there 'She had a seductive voice made only for the bedroom. What was up with him, he dint get this twisted, he had control over his emotions.
' Ahem... can you help me?

That snapped him out of his day dream '.' Oh hi, Yea I can help you, that is if I can. whats wrong with it,? pointing at the car. Rolling up his shirt and taking a look at the old weathered engine.

Angel couldn't help but look at the hint of tanned skin where his shirt was rolled up. Snap out of it Angel, he's more trouble than you can handle. She glanced at her watch and saw that one hour had passed, Ellie would be stranded and would start crying.

'Can you tell what's wrong? ' "No, Your engine is blown up pretty bad, and it doesn't help that it is old".

There's that sexy voice again.

"My car gets me anywhere I want pretty well." ' I dint say it doesn't, don't get all defensive , am just saying it needs proper work and a lot of money to fix it . Am afraid we have to leave it here.

"I'll call a mechanic  to come around to check it".
Angel was torn between the safety of her car and that of  her sister. In the end she had to do what had to be done. 'okay can you drop me at the Elite school?' Sure thing its near my home anyways. 'And where is your home? She blushed "Oh... so.. sorry, I dint mean to prier on your privacy.

"Oh no, its fine, its the El Cuepo ranch'

"Oh, are you like their lawyer or manager. He chuckled " Actually no, am their son' Angel gaped. His family was like one of the richest in the country.

She started to feel a little self conscious. No wonder he had said her car looked old. he probably never seen the car model since he was born. She looked down at the sun dress she had worn when work today with saddles. What must he think about her?

She had heard that he lived in New York and rarely come home to visit his parents, maybe it really true that his father was ill and had come to see him. She shrugged, it really was none of her business.

thank u for reading this far. picture of Angel on the side. vote as many times as u want.

nice day

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