Your Future With Taehyung

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HOW YOU MET         You and your friends Jennifer and Jessica were at a BTS concert

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You and your friends Jennifer and Jessica were at a BTS concert. They knew how much of a fan you were of them, and so they got tickets for you three to go. They were front row seats right in front of the stage. Jennifer and Jessica wasn't much of a BTS fan, but they went just for you, because they knew you didn't want to go alone. While the concert was going on Jennifer tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey me and Jessica have to go to the restroom real quick we will be back in a few minutes". You just nodded your head and turned your attention back to the boys. Jessica and Jennifer left to go to the restroom.
30 minutes later you noticed that they hadn't made it back yet and you were starting to get scared. You got out your phone from your pocket and decided to text Jennifer to ask if they were ok. Text to Jennifer: Hey where are you guys are you ok"? A few minutes later you got a reply back from Jennifer. Text from Jennifer: Yeah, we are fine, but we left we are heading back home, you need to find another way back home, maybe you can get BTS to take you back home". Text to Jennifer: What are you serious, I don't have another way home, you have to come back and get me please. Text from Jennifer: No we are about to get on the interstate so you're on your own, best of luck to you, hope you find a way home. Text to Jennifer: What how could you just leave me like I thought we were friends? Text from Jennifer: (Y/N) me and Jessica were never your friend, we only felt sorry for you because you had no friends so we decide to become your fake friends. Text to Jennifer: So what am I supposed to do now, I have no way home. Text from Jennifer: I don't know and don't care, and by the way this was your mothers idea, she and your dad wanted you gone and they knew you liked BTS so they helped us get tickets to the concert that you're at now, so bye hope you can get back home. You put your phone back into your pocket and started crying. You looked up on stage and you saw Taehyung looking worried at you. You saw him going over to Paul and say something to him, and then they both looked in your direction, and Taehyung pointed towards you. You wondered if they were talking about you, but they couldn't be right, I mean why would they be worried about you. After all your just a fan to them. You decided not to worry about it, because right now you had to worry about getting back home, even if you really didn't want to, you really didn't want to be homeless. So right now you just decided to just enjoy the concert, and worry about going home after. You were not going to let this ruin you enjoying the concert.
A few minutes later you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned to look and saw that it was Paul. "Hey love Taehyung wanted to make sure you were ok, is there something wrong"? "I'll be ok, it's just my friends decided to leave me and now I have no way home", you said. "Wow that is horrible I'm so sorry that they did that to you, do you live far from here"? "Yes I live about 6 hours from here, me and my so called friends left this morning in order to get here on time". Then out of no where Paul grabbed your hand, "Follow me love, I will take you to where Lou and Gemma are at in the dressing room, you can watch the rest of the concert from there, and then we will decide what to do ok, I won't leave you homeless so don't worry". "You really don't have to worry about me I will be fine", you said. "It's ok you are important to the boys and if you need help we will help you it's really nothing". You just nodded and followed Paul to the dressing room. When you got there you saw Lisa and Jennifer sitting on the couch watching the boys on a big screen. "Hey girls this is". Paul looked at you waiting for an answer. "(Y/N)". "This is (Y/N) and her friends just left her and now she has no way back home so she is going to join you guys back here and watch the rest of the concert, and then we will decide what to do from there" Paul said. "Ok, that's fine, we love meeting new people and the boy's fans, come sit with us babe", Lisa said. You walked over there and sat down by Lisa and Paul left to go back to the stage. "Don't worry we will get you back home ok", Jennifer said. "Can I tell you guys something"?, you asked them "Sure love what is it"? Lisa said. "Well it was all my parents idea for my so called friends to ditch me here. My parents never really loved me, and always called me a mistake, so I think I will just have to be here and find a job, so I guess you can say I'm officially homeless until I find a job". They both looked sad and shocked at the same time. "How could any parent just abandon their child like that, if you don't mind me asking how old are you love"? Jennifer asked. "No it's ok I'm 19, and I'll be ok really, you guys don't have to worry about me". "No love we will not leave you homeless, the streets are a scary place and not a safe place for a young girl like yourself, you will get hurt, and I'm not going to let that happen to you", Jennifer said. "I don't want to be a burden to anybody, I'll be ok on the street I will just find a spot that is hidden from everyone and stay there", you said. "Nope we won't let you do that, and I'm sure the boys will feel the same way, they don't want any of their fans getting hurt", Lisa said. Just then the boys walked in and they saw you sitting on the couch with Lisa and Jennifer. "Guys this is (Y/N), and she needs our help", Lisa said, and looked at you for approval of telling them what is going on. You nodded giving her approval. "So, her friends just up and left her, and now she has no way back home they told her it was her parents idea, so now she has no where to go and no family or friends, so what do you say can we help her"? The boys walked over to you and gave you a group hug. After a few minutes they broke the hug. "Yes we can help her, she will come back to the hotel with us, and we will get her a room, and then she will join us on tour, is that ok with you love"? RM said. "You really don't have to do this guys really I'm sure I will be ok, and be able to find a job soon so I won't be on the streets for long". "No apsolutely not, you will not stay on the street and you will stay with us, it's not safe for you, and we want to make sure you're save", Taehyung said. "Ok, then I guess I can go with you guys, but I don't want to be a burden", you said. "Love you won't be a burden", Jimin said. Then everybody started to pack things up and head to the hotel. That night you fell asleep knowing that you were going to be ok thanks to BTS, Paul, Jennifer, and Lisa.
You and Taehyung have been getting closer. It's been 4 months since that night your so called friends deserted you. You were now on break in Los Angeles and you were living in their house in LA. Taehyung and the boy were gone for the day at the studio working on their next album at the moment so you were some alone. You were in the living room watching TV. Your favorite show was on which is Dance Moms. Your phone buzzed beside you letting you know you had a text. You grabbed your phone off the table, and opened it up to see it was a text from Jimin. Text from Taehyung: Hi love, Taehyung is busy right now, and he wanted me to tell you that he is taking you out for dinner tonight, so be ready by 6. He will pick you up, the rest of us will be out with our girlfriends.
Text to Jimin: Oh , ok did he tell you where he was taking me?
Text from Jimin: No he just said to be ready by six, and to dress casual.
Text to Jimin: Ok, and when am I going to meet your girlfriends, I have been with you guys for about 4 months now and I haven't met them?
Text from Jimin: You will soon love, they are all quite busy they all model, and if you want I can talk to my girl Tiffany to see if she can hook you up. She is the assistant manager, so I'm sure she can get you on?
Text to Jimin: No that's ok I don't have the looks to be a model.
Text from Jimin: Will you stop saying that, you are gorgeous, you could make it as a model.
Text to Jimin: Ok, fine, and ok only if she wants too.
Text from Jimin: Ok I will talk to her about it tonight at dinner.
Text to Jimin: Ok well, I got to go see you later tonight and have fun tonight.
Text from Jimin: Ok talk to you later love, have fun with Taehyung.
Text to Jimin: I will. Then you put your phone back on the table and looked at your watch to see that you still had an hour before you had to get ready.
An hour later got up from the couch and decided to go get ready for your date tonight. You went upstairs to your bathroom room and took a shower. Once you were done, you got out and dried off. Then you wrapped the towel around you and went to your room, and you went to your closet to pick out your outfit for tonight. After a few minutes you decided on a outfit. Then you went to the living room and waited on Taehyung to come and pick you up. After about 10 minutes Tae showed up and he was dressed casual, but nice also

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