The maze

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  The legend of the maze is very well-known but this maze is biger and harder it was like a Trap the Kitten was even more scared the the ghost said the rules the rule are you can't jump over the walls you can't catch the mice and you can go back to your town until you finish all the game no one ever survived but let's see if you can the kitten walked around the giant Maze to try find a way out the kitten couldn't jump over the walls but soon she got an idea there is loads of mice and every minute there would be more  so how are they getting in they're too small  to climb over the wall maybe there a small hole that I can climb under and it won't be against the rules so the kitten tried following the mice but then two dogs guarded the mice so she cant she  follow them she tried again to find the exist but it was too hard and big and she was tiny because she was only a kitten but one Mouse said to her you need to get out before it gets you follow me I know a way out the kitten follow the little mouse out of the Maze this is the way just go out that Whole all the other ones are fake now go the mouse said and quick!

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