The last race

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After geting out of the maze She was put into a race the last race of animals 5 animals were there a goose a cow a goat a mouse and a giraffe the ghost said the rules again no jumping and you have to swim the kitten looked around and saw that the animals were glitching out She knew this was fake and if she follow the rules she would die and lose the race began all the fake animals were more fast than they should be then She saw 1 animal was real the mouse it was the same one who saved her now she really needed help she Went to the mouse I need help all the animals are fake and I can't win I need help the kitten said go into the water under the water wheres a secret path then you can win but dont let the ghoust or The animals see you now go! the Kitten Went under Water and saw the Path it was black and blue and a bit scary when she got out she won! How did you win tell me the ghost said I'm just really fast

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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