Chapter 3: The Life I live

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He closed his eyes immediately. As if he would suddenly pass out again. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as I watched him, still stunned.

"How did you meet him again?" I asked Xavi.

They were about ten hearty broad-chested guys beating him blue-black. He was pleading. I wasn't able to ask him questions, Mum. I hope he wakes up soon." Xavi hissed, worrisomely.

"Aww! That's terrible. But how sure are you sure that he's not one of them? I mean, he could also be a member of that gang. Who knows? You should be careful with whomever you help. Not everyone has a good heart, okay?"

"M..mum!" his voice cracked. "Like seriously? I thought you of all people would praise me and say, well done, son."

"Whatever, Xavi. I'm sleepy and starving. I need to go home immediately. " I lied with a lazy yawn. "I'll take care of his bills. Just make sure you don't get too involved with him, okay?" I warned.

"And why shouldn't I?" I heard him ask, but I took my handbag and held it in my hand.

"You're so impossible, mum!" He scoffed.

"Don't stay too late, Xavi. See you at home. I painted a soft perk on his cheek and walked out.

I couldn't spend one more second in that room with that mysterious boy. Whoever he is, he needs to get out of our lives as soon as possible. I climbed into my car as my driver and bodyguards took me home. Throughout the drive, I was thinking about him. There's something strange about him. I don't know what it is exactly, but I don't like it. I don't like him. He will leave our lives when he gets well. Forever.

Getting into my castle-like mansion. I walked into my room to take Kate off the black skirt suit I was wearing. Wearing this could tire, despite the years of work and a. I should be used to this by now. I whooshed out a tired breath and took off my clothes. With a snowy towel wrapped up my chest, I walked into the bathroom to Kate a nice warm shower. It felt relaxing. I put on a simple gown and walked downstairs for dinner. Just then, Xavi walked in.

"Wow! You came just in time, son. Join me." My voice sounded excited.

Xavi walked towards me looking all worked up.

"No mum. I'm famished." He sighed heavily and wanted to walk upstairs, but he turned to me.

"And about Chase, the guy in the hospital... He woke up." A small smile lightened up his face before he turned away. Walking upstairs into his room.

Vertical wrinkles may appear between my thin eyebrows as another sigh escapes my lips.

'Ugh! I can't wait for him to get well so he'd disappear from our lives.' Thinking about him, I remembered clearly, that he introduced himself as Chase the last time we met. Chase or whatever. I'm not interested in knowing him. I gulped down a glass of water and walked upstairs, into my room.

Before going to bed, I changed into a pink transparent nightgown and put on lip balm on my fully chapped lips. After that, I brushed my hair with a big-toothed comb. I took out my diary from the drawer of my table mirror and also a pen. Well, you know not everyone keeps a journal but, when I write, I plan things and I'm able to take some things off my mind. Something like Chase.

Staring at the blank lines of my diary, I thought of what word to start with. Before entering, it felt as if I had tons of things to write about, but right now; I feel empty. Blank. Just like the page in front of me.

09th September.

Today felt sour. Work was good but, I met Chase again. I hope I won't have to meet him now that he's gained consciousness.

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