The birth of a Kevin

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I know it’s not the chapter you’ve been waiting for, and I know this is a Larry fanfic, but I think you deserve to see how it was before the story even started, so here’s a part with Elounor. There may come one with… Halex(?) some time :)

 Ps. To make up for the lack of Larry in this chapter, please enjoy a picture of Louis and fem!Harry :)



“I tell you, Louis, it will be a boy.”

Her slight hand stroke over her swelled stomache as she spoke, watching the bump with keen interest.

“But the doctors say-”

“I don’t care what the doctors say. They’re not the ones carrying our son.”

Irritation was clear in her voice as she interrupted him and Louis sighed as he sat down beside her, placing a hand over hers.

“No, they’re not, and I would never want anyone else to do that.”

Louis agreed to keep her at peace as he burried his face in the crook of her thin neck. A gentle smile played on the womans lips as she rested her head against her husband’s. They had been married for two years now after four years and three months of engagement, and at the moment they were expecting their first child. Both were almost high on the feeling, the woman on the hormones her brain distributed to her aching body, and the man on the thought that he soon would have a child to pamper, like he had dreamed of since he first held his oldest younger sister in his arms.

“You know I love you, right El?”

The man whispered into the skin of his wife’s neck as he opened his eyes to let his ocean blue eyes connect with her hazel orbs. A slight giggle escaped the woman as she nodded.

“Yes, I do, Lou. You have told me every day since we got engaged, which is almost six and a half years ago now.”

The smile on her face was so wide Louis almost got the urge to tell Eleanor to stop smiling in fear that it would split her face open. Her eyes were filled to the brim with fondness and love for her significant other as she leaned in to press their lips together before she felt a sharp pain.




“I told you it would be a boy, Lou.”

An exhausted Eleanor said with a smirk as she stroke their son’s head, watching him move up and down where he laid on her chest as she breathed. Louis nodded and sniggered as he kissed her sweaty forehead.

“Yes, you did, love.”

He whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around his family to pull them into a soft embrace. He felt like his life was fulfilled as he heard the soft snores of their newlyborn son. A question fought it’s way to his conciousness as he watched the infant.

“What shall we name him?”

They had not decided on a name yet since they had wanted to see the child before giving them the name they would be called for the rest of their life. Eleanor’s gaze turned thoughtful before a gleeful smile pressed the corners of her mouth away from each other, like magnets with the same magnetic pole.

“We shall name him Kevin.”

She said softly and put a hand on the cheek of their small treasure.

Louis burst out laughing at the words as he recalled how the couple had met.




Louis was hiding under stands of the school gymnasium, reading a book. He could practically do it anywhere, if he wanted to, but this particular spot was always so quiet and peaceful… Well, almost, a few grunting athletes did run past there at time to time, but aside from that it was a nice spot for just sitting back and relaxing with a book.

He heard light steps coming closer and he quickly shut his book and turned his eyes up to find his gaze trapped by a pair of hazel pools. The breath caught in his throat as the eyes shifted from surprise to a pleasant warmth that interested him more than he’d ever admit.

“So, it’s not my spot alone anymore?”

The girl spoke as she went to sit down beside the featheryhaired boy, smiling gently at him.

“It was your spot?”

Louis asked confused, his head tilting to the side like a confused puppy and he blew a few puffs at the fringe that fell into his eyes. The girl giggled and stroke the hair behind his ear as she nodded.

“Yes, it was, but I don’t mind sharing it with you.”

It was almost too dark for Louis to notice the blush on the girl’s cheeks, the keyword here being “almost” as a smile dominated his face.

Well, that smile was intact on his face until he heard a flutter behind his head and he yelped as he lunged forward, throwing himself on the floor, taking the girl with him and put his arms over their heads to “protect” them from the “danger”... The danger which turned out to be a pigeon… ‘Always the bloody pigeons!’ Louis cursed in his mind, surely this girl would believe he was crazy, freaking out over a pigeon behind them. But to his surprise he felt, rather than heard, the other human laughing. He sat up and hesitantly looked at her.

“You don’t think I’m crazy for freaking over a pigeon?”

He asked warily. She giggled and shook her head.

“No, Kevins can be scary when they sneak up behind you.”

The smile she directed at him was so wide he thought it would surely split her face, but it did not, but it did cause him to mirror the expression.

“I’m Louis by the way.”

He said proudly, extedning a hand towards her, which she took with a firm grip.

“I’m Eleanor.”




Since then Louis had gotten to know that Eleanor calls pigeons Kevins because she thinks they are the most beautiful birds in the bird kingdom after the doves, but she loves the name “dove” too much to change it. A “Kevin” had brought them close the first time, so it just logical that they would keep a Kevin close. He smiled and leaned in to press his lips against his wife’s to give her the answer. The kiss was sweet and gentle and he petted their son’s head as he rested their foreheads together.

“I love you. I love you both.”



If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask, you can write to me personally, I don’t bite, and I enjoy getting messages and reading comments :3

The real update will come soon, I have a week off school now, though I’m going away with my family for a few days now, I will start writing the next chapter as soon as I get home :)

But anyways, it’s late here and I have to wake up early, so goodnight my dearies <3

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