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opening her eyes, y/n found herself in a room that looks quite decent and the soft thing that she landed on turns out to be a bed

laying down on the bed to feel the soft texture, she was immediately reminded that she was still in her fairy form because the moment she lay down on the bed, she felt her wings hurting

jolting up, y/n immediately changed into her human formed and laid on the bed, feeling its softness as she laid there, beginning to think about what her mother said

unlike other fairies, y/n is very curious to find out who the winter god is and how introverted he actually is

thinking more about him, she realised that the sky became darker and remembering what her mother told her about the sky getting dark, meaning that she will have to go for dinner

wandering around the place she is temporarily staying at, she found a small shop which in the human language, a convenience store

opening the door, she was greeted with many interesting things she has never really seen before back in the fairy realm

at the side of the so-called convenience store, there are some people eating hot noodles in a bowl and the noodles looked very curly

walking around the convenience store, she constantly reminded herself to not over exaggerate her doings because in the human world, she will be considered as a weirdo

copying what the person she saw eating, she learned that the noodles in the bowl are called cup noodles and they are actually unhealthy

feeling something vibrating in her pocket when she stepped out of the convenience store, y/n felt it and realised that it was a square-ish thing that emits light out of it

walking out of the stowe with that, she suddenly heard a 'ding' sound coming from it

taking a look at it, she saw that it was from her mother

opening it up, it was a message from her mother and there are instructions on what she should do as this is her first time on earth and that she is a newbie

following all of her mother's instructions, y/n carried them out happily and enjoyed the times she watched kids playing out in the playground and also, watching how everyone else felt about winter, from kids to the elderly

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now