Chapter 12

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*They arrived at Nayeon's house*

"Ja, let's get that drunk girl outta here" Taeyeon said while getting ready to go out of the back

"no, we will take her out" Dahyun said referring to her and Hyeongseo

"are you sure?" Taeyeon said before glancing at Mina

"y-yeah, besides, na sa harapan naman kami" Dahyun said and smile

"okay then" Taeyeon said and sit back

Hyeongseo opened the right door and help Nayeon out so as Dahyun

Mina got out and approach Nayeon's front door and open the password and the three of them got inside

"where's her bedroom?" Dahyun asked

"upstairs, but are you sure you're okay to handle her?" Mina asked

"yeah" Dahyun said

"can we drop her at the sofa first?, i feel like dying out of thirst" Hyeongseo said

"Why didn't you say you were thirsty, drop her first" Mina said and going to get Nayeon but Dahyun stopped her

"no!, ummm i mean, I'll put her in yer room by myself if you're thirsty Hyeongseo" Dahyun said and the two looked at her weirdly

"okay, if you say so" Hyeongseo said and slowly letting go Nayeon's arm around her shoulder

"Sit down, I'll get you some water" Mina said and Dahyun go upstairs and to put Nayeon in her room

Dahyun opened Nayeon's room and gently lay down Nayeon on the bed

After she laid Nayeon down on the bed she back off and she step on something that make her leap and lost balance and fell on top on Nayeon

Dahyun froze on her spot when her face and Nayeon's are only inches away

Dahyun was about to stand up but Nayeon hugged her

"hmmm" Nayeon said drunkly and hugged Dahyun tight

"shit what to do now" Dahyun thought

"so soft~" Nayeon said drunly and pat Dahyun's head and she start to smell Dahyun's neck

"and smell nice too~" Nayeon said

"Dahyun, what's taking you so long?" Mina said and enter the room and she froze when she saw Dahyun on top of Nayeon

"umm, help?" Dahyun said nervously and Mina just laughed a bit

"sorry Dahyun, she's like this when she's drunk" Mina said and approach them

"Nabong-a~, let go" Mina said and trying to remove Nayeon's arm around Dahyun

"but this is my new plushie~" Nayeon said and pout

"it's not" Mina said and successfully remove Nayeon's arm around Dahyun and Dahyun immediately stand up

"Then what is it?" Nayeon asked

"it's a human" Mina said and looked at Dahyun who's blushing right now

"who?" Nayeon asked again but Mina stayed silent

"hmm?...." Nayeon said

"Nabong-a, go to sleep now~" Mina said and pat Nayeon's head and Nayeon smiled

Complicated loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora