DrownedSilver Week 2021 Day 3: Home

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Silver flinches for a short moment, gaining an 'I'm sorry' as an answer. Aside from that small exchange, their moment had been entirely silent, as Ben bandaged up Silver's severed arm as well as he could. While Silver didn't even feel his severed limbs at this point anymore, someone had to take care of it or help them, so he was glad.
Not like he would have had much of a choice with Ben's stubborn insisting, his worry hidden behind his stone-faced demeanor.

Silver could tell. Because as he was meeting up with his elven friend; just barely holding his arm with his other still in tact one; for just one 'blink-and-miss-it' moment, Ben's look turned vulnerable as he saw. Maybe shock as he didn't know what happened, maybe worry, maybe even care.

But Silver didn't mind, he had someone helping him after another visit to... his game. His home as everyone would refer.

"There.", Ben spoke up again as he tied the knot securely around the stump. "I'd ask if it was alright, but I already know that'd be pointless."

Silver moved it a bit as if raising an arm, before smiling a little and nodding, "Thank you."

It seemed Ben wanted to acknowledge it via smiling himself, before huffing under his breath and taking the utensils to put them back in their usual spot, getting up from Silver's bed.

"...So that's your 'home', huh? ...You mentioned so?", Ben suddenly asked, attempting to find some sort of topic.

"I guess... I don't know."

"Well, a home is where you live.", Ben said as he had his back turned to Silver, having found the drawers, "And I guess that makes it our games for us. For better or for worse."

That sentence made Silver frown without much thought, staring at Ben unknowingly. Yes, everyone calls it that, but...

'It doesn't feel like it.'

Silver noticed that until now he never even thought that much about it. What his home is, because whatever it is, it isn't his game, not the tower, not the mountain, not even his 'old room' right now.

"I don't think so.", Silver suddenly say, having been lost in thoughts as he looks back up, noticing Ben looking back at that, perhaps a hint of curiosity or confusion in his eyes. Silver wasn't sure.

"Why not? We are literally in a house right now. Your house."

"Sure, but-", Silver started, trying to find how to explain it, "Well... Can we really call the places we suffer most 'homes'?"

Ben was silent, as if not knowing how to respond, yet blinked and smirked: "Being philosophical today, aren't we? ...I do suppose you have a point in your case though."

Silver didn't hesitate, however he did lower his gaze: "I was talking about both of us."

Silence once more, making Silver question which one of them was supposed to truly be the mute protagonist. So he got up, noticing Ben having averted his eyes himself again, to the point his face couldn't be read anymore.

"You ever heard of the phrase 'Home is where the heart is'? So I thought-"

Upon his hand touching Ben's shoulder, the latter immediately jerked away as if attacked. For a split second Ben's arms began to raise out of reflex, having been thrown out of his own noisy mind without warning. But tried to quickly relax himself looking around a bit as he lowered them back down, sliding his hand all over them, then finally crossing them as his face turns stone once again, sighing.

"Okay, okay, so it isn't YOUR home, fine? You... well... you know, after all.". Yet Silver didn't miss Ben's quick glance at his arm stump at the end there.

"Sorry. I... just wondered if maybe we should decide our own homes, rather than just setting it in stone.", Silver answered, trying to salvage this.

"Forget it", Ben waved his hand and moved past him, getting Silver's hat and jacket off the bed for him, "You need some help with this?"

Subconsciously rubbing his stump, Silver nodded. Still taking the hat however, putting it on on his own, before Ben assisted with the sleeve on his missing arm.

"But...", Ben muttered, catching Silver off guard, "Since you did mention all this, what... is your home then?"

'Huh... My actual home?'

Silver looked up, going through anything which could offer itself up. There were many places and memories, but none felt precise. A home made you feel safe and warm. A comfort during even the worst times. There had to be something.
And he realized as he looked back down at Ben, who seemed to still await an answer, a slight glare as if wanting to prove an own point. So Silver smiled warmly back, zipping up his jacket.

"I don't know yet."

Nobody said homes had to be places.

"The others are probably waiting already,", Silver quickly shooting down Ben wanting to protest, not being too satisfied with the answer, "We should get going."

Ben knew he wasn't going to get his will through this time, so resigned and quickly came to Silver's still fine side, holding his arm tightly, but still gentle.

"You feel nearly nothing anymore, for all we know you could pass out from blood loss right now. Let me steady you."

Silver chuckled, feeling some sort of inner warmth bubble up.

"Nothing's cuter than you 'trying to be helpful and good'."

"Oh, I can also push you so you fall down face first and leave you there.", Ben retorted, his face having finally become quite soft, no matter how much he tries to remain serious. So much it was near a pout almost.

Even if Silver still felt any pain, the warmth he feels right now, coupled with the joy of having this wonderful boy next to him in his life, would be enough to make him forget all about it, as if it never existed.

"Nah, let's just go. Not that the others think something happened."

He found exactly what he wanted.
Maybe soon Ben will too. Silver will make sure of it.

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