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Welcome to my DreamNoBlade fanfic!
Enjoy all the warnings
(We Stan consent)
Lots of blood....
A whole lot more blood....
Detailed smut
Not so detailed smut
Potato patota
All good things all good things...not...
Some nice parts!
There's more warnings but I will out the warning in the beginning of the chapters! Enjoy my book<3

Oh yeah I'm trying to make a schedule for writing and posting.... Will I try to uphold to it? 3/4 chance I'll most likely give up. I'll have updates if I can get a schedule together on my wall on my account! Just spam me and I should get enough motivation-

Update: check the description of the book or on my profiles wall for the new schedule status-

Anyways enjoy!

Hoglin (✨DreamNoBlade✨)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora