Maid Cafe

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(Sorry for not posting I was out of town and I didn't have connection-)

After a bit techno fixed up his maid outfit and walked out. The only table who hasn't been served was Dream's table. Techno put on the most professional face he could and walked up to their table.

"Welcome to Hybrid Maid Cafe what can I get you today?" Techno said in a soothing voice unlike his regular monotoned one. Dreams two other friends just looked up and were in shock for a few moments before Dream felt like breaking the silence.

"I'll take a coffee, black please" Dream said smirking, he obviously had a plan but techno didn't want to make a scene.  Techno also smirked as he also had a plan. Dreams smirk faltered only for a few seconds before it went back to normal.

Dream also knew techno had a plan but he couldn't tell what is was. Though techno was having a very fun time in the back making dreams coffee. He opened a huge sugar container and dumped in an entire cup of sugar in his coffee. He also made sure to make the coffee hotter then it needed to be

"Whoops" was all that techno said as he put away the sugar and stirred dreams coffee as he brought it out to dream. He put on an extra innocent smile as he handed it to Dream.

Of course Dream was suspicious as he took a sip. As soon as the overly hot liquid entered his mouth he started coughing and spit it out back in to the mug. His friends started to laugh at them as techno was trying his best to not laugh.

"What the fuck is this techno!" Dream said as customers looked at them. Dream was pissed as 1. The coffee tasted like shit. 2. It was like burning hot!

"Oh! Sir did you not order a black coffee with a cup of sugar?" Techno said tilting his head as he put his ears down to look innocent. He was able to stop his tail from swaying happily but it just layed there for now. Some girls around them gave Dream the death glare for making techno look sad.

"No I didn't!" He said but he halfway wished he hadn't said that so loud as everyone in the restaurant was now looking at him with death glares. After all to everyone else it looked like he was making the small piglin hybrid sad.

"I'll go remake it for you!" Techno said as he quickly rushed to the back. As soon as the door was shut he bursted out laughing. Techno quickly got to work on making him a ice cold black coffee with a lot of creamer dyed black with food coloring. This time there was no sugar like Dream requested.

Techno came back with his coffee. Dream saw nothing wrong with it and the mug only felt warm and not hot so he drank it and quickly spit it out coughing again. He had a huge scowl on his face.

"I took out the sugar like you said sir" techno said and walked away before Dream could say anything. Techno soon went to serve other tables, unknown to him someone was taking pictures.

~time skip~

Techno was in his regular clothes, consisting of black leather pants, White button up shirt, red cape, and a shining crown with red jewels. He was just dropped off in front of Dreams and he was dreading this day as Dream had seen him at his work...

Dream was smirking like he just got the best black mail in the world. I mean he did but still! Dream waltzed out of his mansion as techno was getting out of the limo. Dream put his hand out for techno to shake it but techno just gave his hand the look of disgust.

"Let's go train." Dream said slyly. He wanted to make sure Quakity wouldn't interfere in anything he wanted to test.

Techno just nodded and followed Dream back to the training grounds. He was walking when a bird flew over and a feather dropped. The feather only slightly brushed against Technos ear but he quickly covered his mouth as his body tensed. His face was a bright pink as his tail stood up high and alert.

Dream was just walking behind techno minding his own business until, he noticed how techno reacted to the slight brush against his ear. Dream smiled again, as he's slowly getting all of technos weaknesses memorized in the back of his head.

"Hey techno I want to make a deal." Dream started as he stopped in front of techno and looked him dead in the eyes. Techno shifted uncomfortably but stared at the masks black dots.

Techno, barely nodded, giving the signal for Dream to continue and so he did, "I want to know what each whistle means!" Dream said that so casually and techno just looked at him dumbfounded.

"Why should I tell you? Green tele-tubby" Techno said still wondering why this green tele-tubby is so up front.

Green tel- dreams smirk just grew wider as he pulled out a few laminated photos and turned them around. "I'll show this at the next arena match for your school." Dream said waving the photos in the air. The photos were of Techno at his job.

Technos eyes widened as he growled. Dream waved his finger in the air and put it on technos mouth. He stepped closer to the pigling and leaned down slightly to his ear.

"Do we have a deal techno?" Dream said in a sly voice. Techno nodded giving Dream a dangerous glare. The piglin wanted to kill the hunter right now but he knew Dream had the high ground here. "Yay!" Dream cheered as he blew on technos ear.

Techno bit his tongue as Dream blew on his ear. He knew Dream figured out his ear weakness, he hated it.

(Sorry it took me forever! I only got enough motivation to finish this chapter after someone commented so thank that person! Enjoy this new chapter)

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