Fanfic #6 (I still suck at titles-)

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Scaramouche x gn!reader

Contains: Foul language, mentions of reader about to be killed

Genre: Fluff I think


You snuck out of you and your lovers house. You noticed he was very busy doing paperwork so you decided to slip out. He didn't kidnap you or anything, no, but he prevented you from going outside this week, because he said that it would be dangerous. He didn't elaborate. You really wanted to go outside though, so you snuck out. 

You went faster away from the house. When you were about 10 meters away, you slowed down. You saw something shiny and bent down to pick it up. Hm, a mora. Interesting. You continues walking forwards, seeing an artifact laying on the ground. You noticed something suspicious about this, so you went the other way. You weren't stupid after all!

It had been a few minutes of you walking. Sometimes you heard some sounds, but you were pretty sure it was just you or an animal stepping on a twig that was buried under the snow. You were just getting ready to go back, because all you wanted to do was have a nice, peaceful stroll. Even if you were pretty much freezing. You were near the woods, so you glanced up to see the snow falling on top of the tall trees, covering them with a snow blanket. It looked really pretty. 

When you were walking on your way back, you heard another sound. You were about to continue walking, but then, something pounced at you, and trapped you in a bag. You couldn't see them, but you heard chattering.

"Hah! This will be great revenge! I can just see the look on his face when we kill her!"

"Pff,  but what if he doesn't actually love her -- after all, he is a terrible man."

"Bullshit. She probably would have been dead by now."

"Not necessarily." 

They kept talking and talking. You drowned out their voices after awhile, hoping that you had just stayed home. If only you did.. you could feel them lifting the bag you were in, when you were dropped. You heard electricity and you saw blood splatter on the bag. What?

You got took out from the bag, falling onto the soft but cold snow. 

"Scaramouche? How did you find me?" you asked your lover.

"I saw your footprints when I was looking out the window idiot," he said flicking your forehead, "I already told you to not go outside!"

"Ow" you whined, rubbing the spot he flicked, "that hurt you know?"

"It's what you get for  making me worry."

"You were worried?" you smile.

"I- just- shut up!" he exclaimed, his cheeks has a faint dust of pink on it.

You have been ignoring the feeling, but now you were really staring to feel it. The cold snow was starting to seep in to your boots, and a bit of your jacket, and you were freezing. You got up, and as you were about to say something, you sneezed.

"Have you caught a cold?" Scaramouche asked, and said, "let's go back home, I can take your temperature there."

Scaramouche carried you home, and told you to run a warm bath. After you took your bath he took your temperature. Thankfully you hadn't caught a cold. You wanted to tease Scaramouche for being so soft today, he was never like this. You decided to save it for now. Maybe keep it for tomorrow. Instead, you pulled him into the bed and cuddled. You saw a small smile form on his lips. 

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