Yuh pt. 2 or something

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Apparently the part 2 is wanted so here also, I warned you this would suck so


You were sitting around, waiting for your lover. For all the time you spent with him, every time you asked the question, that question about how he even had power in him in the first place, he would find some way to avoid it.

You were going to ask him when he came back, but you didn't want to force him to tell you. If he really wants to keep in a secret so badly, you decided he could. After all, you wouldn't be a great person, much less a great partner, if you made him tell you something he really wanted to keep to himself. But, maybe you could try and coax it out of him?

That's when you heard the door open. You looked up to see your Kunikuzushi walking in.

You walked over to him to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"I'd expect you to be sleeping by now," he said, kissing you back.

"Hm? Oh, what time is it?" 

"Two in the morning."

"I didn't notice it was that late!" you said, "I was waiting for you-"

"Hm? Why?"

You stayed silent for a moment, before speaking, "well, about that question before you left.."

As you said that, you noticed he tensed up a bit. You wondered why, but instead of asking him, you said, "don't worry, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I don't want to make you tell me anything."

He sighed, and you could see the worry and relief on his face.

"Maybe I'll tell you later, soon perhaps," he said, after coughing and telling you that he's going to go out to take a walk.

His voice was a bit more shaky than usual, but afraid you were going to fuck something up, you just let him go. Maybe you shouldn't have had asked that question. 


The freezing Snezhnaya snow was falling, falling down and down, pretty snowflakes landing everywhere, but also making him freezing. He was long used to this already. He wasn't even paying the slightest attention to them.

Instead, his mind was elsewhere. In Inazuma. He remembered Baal discarding him. He was worried you would do the same if he told you the truth. Although you didn't seem like that, he would never know. Humanity is not to be trusted after all.

A part of him really wanted to tell you. So he could vent about the stupid archons and how he was so much better than those stupid ignorant fools of his subordinates. 

Actually, he already did the second part, but he could not rant about archons. It might blow his cover, he was worried he'd get carried away with it and tell you he was a puppet, and he feared what would happen if he did. 

Why was he having these thoughts though? Why would he care, if a stupid, ignorant, and cruel mortal abandoned him? 

He knew the reason. It was because you were not a stupid and ignorant mortal, and especially not cruel. You took him in and talked to him when he needed it. He didn't want to lose this.. fuzzy-ish feeling every time he was with you.

He sighed. These thoughts were so overwhelming, and it was annoying him that he couldn't just, like, care less about it. 

With a sigh, he turned to go back to your shared house.


When he came back, he saw you passed out on the couch. You intended to wait for him (again) but this time you couldn't keep your eyes open.

He picked you up and carried you upstairs to the bed in you two's room. After that, he put you down, picked up the covers and slid in with you.

Maybe he should tell you tomorrow.. maybe-

That was his last thought before he drifted off to sleep with you.


You woke up to a faint sob. You turned to your lover, and you saw tears streaming down his cheeks. You were worried, and confused. Was he okay? Why was he crying? You've never seen him cry before.

You decided to gently tap him, as it seemed as if he was still sleeping.

"Kuni? Are you okay?"

He turned and mumbled, "Its not Kuni, it's Scaramouche to you now.." before he noticed what was happening.

Oh, so it was a dream. 

And he was crying.

His cheeks turned a pink colour as he tried to quickly wipe away the tears.

"Scaramouche?" you asked, obviously confused.

"That's my harbinger name."


"So... are you okay?" you asked.

"Just a bad dream."

"Maybe you could tell me about it.. it could male you feel better," you offered, still feeling bad that you asked a question he seemed uncomfortable with.

"You broke up with me," he started.


And after that, he just kept rambling. He couldn't stop himself, the feeling were a bit too much to bear, even for a puppet like him.

After he was done, he sighed.

He told you.

Honestly, he was waiting for you to gasp and leave him, or something of the sort. Like his dream. Instead though, he felt you arms wrap around him.

"I would never leave you because you're a puppet.. Scaramouche," you reassured him.

"You can call me Kuni," he said in a quiet tone.


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