10- See Me

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Rafael Chancellor's Point of View:

I walked inside closing the door shut behind me. My date with Alissa went amazing. She truly surprised me in a good way. I knew she was different but today just proves that she was better than all the other girls I've dated.

When she told me to tell her who I truly was instead of the facade I put on for the rest of the world I'm ashamed to admit that I was stuck. All of the other girls didn't care enough about me to even ask what my goals were and here she was on the first date proving just how good she was for me.

Because of her honesty and her genuine interest in me, I found myself baring my soul to her. I told her things that I've never told anyone else and I didn't regret it one bit. I was going to take her out to a spot where I took my other dates but I had to stop myself.

I hated that I even thought of taking her there in the first place. She was different, so different and she deserves better than what I've done before. I made a U-turn and took her to one of my favorite places to go around Christmas time.

If she was at all surprised she didn't show it. Her smile was wide and her eyes were bright with happiness and j felt incredible joy that I was the one making her feel that way. As we walked further into the orphanage I was greeted by Debbie, she was the matron.

"Rafael dear I expected you tomorrow," she smiled kindly.

"I know but I had someone I wanted to meet the kids"

Her eyes drifted over to Alissa, "and who is this pretty lady?"

She shook her head, "this is my special friend Alissa"

Alissa's eyes widened at the introduction but she didn't say anything. I didn't feel like it was right to introduce her as a friend only when she was quickly becoming more than just a friend to me.

"I'll let the kids know you're here," she turned to walk away "storytime?"

I nodded in confirmation. She walked away to gather the kids in the main room.

"I didn't think you would bring me to an orphanage," she started "I'm impressed"

I breathed a sigh of relief, "you wanted to see the real me"

"I'm loving what I'm seeing," she responded honestly "Let's see the kids"

Even after dropping her off at the hotel I still couldn't stop thinking about her. She really had me hooked.

I headed for my room stopping in my tracks when I heard my father call out to me.

"Yes father"

"Where were you?"

"I was out," I stated plainly "do you need something?"

"We need to talk," he ran a hand through his hair "follow me"

With a sigh, I followed my dad as he entered his study. I closed the door behind me and watched as my dad took a seat in his chair. I sat in one of the free chairs across from him and waited for him to speak.

"I'm sorry son"

That's not at all what I expected him to say. I expected him to go on a rant about my duties and let's not forget the new discussion about the council and my sudden need to be wed.

"The crown has been passed down in our family for generations from father to son. When my father was about to step down I was scared and I was most definitely not ready"

That was news to me. In all the years that I've watched my dad rule, I've never once questioned his ability to rule. He was always so level-headed and fair that I've not questioned him and I couldn't see him being a scared prince.

"Believe it or not I tried to give up the throne and have your uncle lead instead. Your grandfather was furious but he understood and instead gave me a month off from being a prince. He allowed my brother and me to sit in on meetings and for that entire month I wasn't allowed to make a single input as the future king instead Collin was given my authority"

"What happened?" I asked not knowing that this had ever happened.

"He never ran the country in the ground," he sighed "we both love our country and our people but I was the one that was groomed to be king so when it came time to make the tough decisions it came was clear that Collin wasn't fit to be king"

"I had to take my place as the rightful successor because I knew the country needed me and because of that decision we are here today"

I stayed silent as I mulled over his words, "while Harry may appreciate what France has to offer he wouldn't know how to lead"

"And I do?"

He smirked, "you are my son after all"

"I will accept my place on the throne father but why is my marital status so important to the council?"

"Have you ever seen a womanizer successful rule a country?"

He had a point there but it's not like I wanted to be a womanizer well at least not anymore, not since Alissa.

"Who was the girl you danced with yesterday?"

"Who?" I didn't want to give him an answer.

He looked, "if you don't want to talk about the only girl you've ever danced with at any event you can just say so"

I rolled my eyes at his teasing, "Dad how'd you know mom was the one?"

He looked at me as if trying to figure out where my head was at, "it's hard to explain....she was so different from any other girl I'd met before, she didn't care about my position or my wealth. She was the first woman to ever really see me"

I nodded completely understanding what he was saying. I felt the same way about Alissa.

There was a vibration and dad took up his phone to look at it. He groaned as he read what I assumed was a text.

"Unto more pressing matters," he spoke "the council just reminded me that you have 9 days to get married"

"Or else what?" I snapped tired of their games.

"I will have to select a young lady for you...if you refuse the crown goes to Harry"

To Be King: Book One Of The Reine Series (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now