The secret

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You walk up to the house. This is your first time back since you told mamma coco she was hot. Oh god. You stand staring at the door bell, then finally ring it. Mamma coco opens the door her voluptuous titties bouncing as she leans on the door frame.
"Hey y/n" she says smirking. You fidget a bit and try not to look up at her scared to meet her gaze. I feel a red color dust my cheeks as I finally meet her gaze. God she's hot.
"Hey Mrs.Johnson" I say barley above a whisper. I don't wanna seem to desperate, then maybe she'll forget about the whole incident of me calling her hot.
"Let's head inside, the kids are watching The bee movie so they shouldn't be to loud for you." She said beckoning me in. I walked in whipping off my cream converse as I went. Then took off my coat and hung it on a hook by the door. I walked into the house retaking in the surroundings and remembering what happened last time I was here. A small shiver went down my back as I continued to walk. "Have you had anything to eat?" She asked smiling at me. I could see a light glisten in her eyes. Maybe she still remembers? God I hope not.
"I ate a bowl of cereal at home so I should be fine, but thank you." I said giving her a weak smile. She tilted her head examining me a bit. I could tell she was reading me like a book. I was hungry. I was hungry in two different ways and she knew. Mrs.Johnson gave me a look I've never seen before. She walked over and I backed towards the counter bumping into it and falling back a bit. She put her hands on either side of me and looked over to make sure then kids were invested in the tv and not our actions.
"Oh?" She whispered getting close to my ear. I could smell wine and cheese coming from her warm breaths that kept hitting my cheek as she backed up a bit. I could see a bit of wine on her lip from the sip she took before walking over. It temped me. I just wanted to slowly lick it all of then kiss her no, make out with her. But I don't think that would happen. "Whatcha thinking of?" She breathed smirking "perhaps," she paused making a thinking face "me?" That got me. I felt my whole face flush a deep red. I looked away from her only to have my face brought back up by her thumb. She got a bit closer and I could again smell the wine and cheese. I started closing my eyes and pushing my body a bit closer to hers. We were about to kiss and my heart was racing. This is gonna be-
"Baby lets get going, we're gonna be late!" Mr. Johnson yelled stopping down the stairs.

End of chapter 1😍😍😍😍
Word count 508
Side note: this is all kinda a joke but it's still fun to write soooo

Cocomelon mom x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang