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I trudged into my dorm and set my bag on the ground. There was about an hour break until my next class, at 10:30. Groaning, I clutched my head and plopped down on my bed.

"Why is my head pounding so haaaard..." I groaned again and lay down completely. Blinking slowly, I felt as if I was floating in midair. My eyes widened and my heart rate quickened.

Scrambling for my phone, I grabbed it with weak hands and dialed the number for the Campus Emergency Center.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" The calm voice replied.

Sucking in a painful breath, my chest rattled. "I-I don't kn-now what h-happening. P-please help m-me!" I stuttered out in between frantic breaths.

"What's your dorm room and name!" The voice said urgently through the phone.

My brain felt fuzzy as I replied. "R-room C-54 and m-my name is F-fawn L-Lillies..." I coughed loudly and felt my chest shake and rattle from lack of oxygen.

The faint voice yelled through the phone. "Help is on the way! We'll be there soon!"

Everything was hazy and dark as the seconds passed. My eyes closed completely and my breathing was so shallow, my chest was hardly moving.

"She's here!" An echoing voice yelled and feet clomped somewhere near me. I felt the sensation of being lifted, and then nothing. Just empty space. What happened to me?

Encounters With A...Country? [BEING RE-WRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now