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School has already fucked me over on multiple occasions so trying to come back to writing after almost a year is gonna be hell enough.
Thank you parents for insisting that I don't live in a cave for the rest of my life and literally forcing me through 4 years of bloody fucking hell :)

Okay so I nearly forgot that wattpad existed until i received notifications that someone had updated their story.

I am extremely sorry.

this story gained a SHIT TON of reads while I was taking my unintentional year long fucking vacation. Thank you for that

I hope that things will soon begin to change for the better and I can put out more content. This book and "Damaged" will be my two main focuses, along with "Bandanas" which I will have to work on eventually.

If you received the notification for this then you the real MVP and you should leave a comment because i will follow you and read your content.

Thank you for putting up with my bullshit and hopefully reading this

Please remember that you are ALL beautiful and I love every single one of you

Thanks for putting up with my lame ass

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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