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Clarification: Eva's last name (Rowes) is pronounced like rose.


I walked down the hallway, passing dormitories and utility rooms. Finally locating the stairs i ran down the seven flights while pulling out my cigarette pack and lighter. I hardly ever smoke anymore, this is one of those occasions.

By the time I pulled out the pack I was at the bottom of the stairs. Placing a cigarette into my mouth i walked outside towards the smoking area. Drawing in a large amount of smoke, I felt my body relax. I exhaled and was startled when the door behind me opened. A boy that looked to be about the same age as Matthew stepped out into the open air.

"Hey," He waved at me timidly. "Hi," I said with a small smile. "Want a smoke?" I asked holding out the pack of cigarettes in front of me. "Oh, no thank you," he said looking me in the eyes. His eyes were bright blue.

"Well, I'm Nash," he said again with a small smile. "Eva," I said drawing another dose of tobacco from my cigarette. "Nice name," He said looking down. "You too," I said putting out my cigarette.

"What floor are you staying on?" he asked looking up at me with wide eyes. "Floor seven, you?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Three." He responded simply. "Oh okay, cool." He said standing up. "See you around." He said waving again shyly. "See you." I said standing up and popping a piece of gum into my mouth.

I stepped back into the hallway that was filling with people carrying luggage and saying goodbye to parents. I kept walking towards the elevator. I kept my head down and phished through the crowds of people. When I reached the elevator, the area around it was quite empty.

I pressed the up button and waited. When the elevator opened I looked up to see the last person I wanted to. "Haven't seen you in a while, Rowes." He said smirking at me.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Dallas." I said stepping into the elevator. "Someone's in a pissy mood." He said leaning against the railing of the interior elevator wall. "I wasn't. It's just you, you make me ill." I said fumbling with the gum and cigarettes in my hand.

"You still smoke?" he said raising his eyebrow pointing at the pack. "Yeah I have since I was twelve what's your fucking point." I said rolling my eyes and turning to face the door.

"Obviously I am 14 days early. Your emotions are out of whack." He hissed. "Obviously you are an ignorant asshole who can't and won't mind his own fucking business." I snapped back.

"I'm on my floor. Move you piece of shit." He said pushing past me. We were on floor six. I had managed to get my cigarettes and gum in my pocket. "Fuck you!" I snapped back flipping him off as the elevator doors shut. I could hear him laughing loudly from in the elevator.

"Keep laughing you dick. Keep laughing." I said shaking my head as the elevator slowly made its ascent.

I flopped down on the mattress with my hair wet and pajamas on. "Don't you look comfortable." Matthew said walking into the main space of the dorm with popcorn. "Yeah. Why are you so nice right now?" I asked propping myself up on my elbows.

"I don't know. I feel like it." He said sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Oh really now." I said letting out a s giggle. "Yeah why?" he said letting out a really breathy laugh. Wow. This kid actually knows how to laugh and smile.

"I don't know. In the time that I have known you, you have been very reserved and sort of...rude." I trailed off. "Yeah im sorry." He said popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

Is it bad that I sort of doubt his apology?


Yeah yeah im a major cashew girl so yeah this is mainly a cashew fanfic. Im sorry for making cam am asshole. He will get better I promise.


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