Chapter 1 The Story of My Life

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Skylar's Pov

Hi, my name is Skylar if you haven't figured that much out so far. I am fourteen years old, and I am a prostitute. I only became a prostitute when my family was killed and I went to live with my uncle. I am very insane and anything but normal. I love music but I am not allowed to listen to it very often. I go to work right after school. I really hate my work, I hate my life with my uncle. I mean there is nothing in my life that is good for me. I have even thought about killing myself all the time, but then again if I do I am just letting my demons win. I will never let them win! I am too rebellious to let anyone have me kill myself. I just really hate this prostitute thing. If I could get out of it I would in a heart beat. You want to know what really sucks? I have to do the worst things you could ever imagine. I mean, like really bad things. I really don't want to get into details. I am very smart for my age, I can prove it. I skipped two grade which means I am in 11th grade. I am known at school as the rebel. I really embrace that label. Okay I think that is enough about me, and my very dark life.

"Skylar!" The principal to me.

"Yes warden of hell." I retorted making it sound like a joke, when it was what I really thought of her.

"Very funny, but I have a job for you," She said.

"What so do you want me to do?" I inquired hoping it wasn't something she want from my uncle. I really hated it when she thought my uncle was, as she puts in 'dating material.' Ugh. That just made my skin crawl. It is so gross.

"Well we are having some famous people coming here and I want you to show them around and do whatever they want you to do for them." She grinned, oh the grin that could make an angel become a demon. Yes it is that bad!

"WHY DO I HAVE TO DO IT?" I questioned.

"Because I told you to and I am in-charge of you at school." She replied. "Oh. Really? I wonder what my uncle would say about that?" I snapped.

"Well he is the one who first said it." She exploded out. Shoot there goes my way out of this.

"So I guess I have no choice in the matter now?" I said.

"No, not at all. You are doing it no matter what now!" She screamed at me.

"Well when do they get here?" I asked.

"Oh, in about two seconds." She said in the way that made me want to clock her in the jaw.

"WAIT?!? WHAT?!?" I yelled. Just then four boys walked through the doors.

"Ello, we are looking for Mrs. Wrong?" one of them asked, I snicker and looked up to see Mrs.Wrong scowling at me. Oh no I will have to pay for that later.

"Well yes it is spelled wrong but you pronounce it wroong." She explained, like she always had to.

"Okay, well do you know where we could find Mrs. Wroong?" Another one asked.

"Well the devil is right in front of your eyes." I laughed.

"Skylar, do I have to call your uncle?" She asked.

"Only if you are dang sure you want to go to Hell when you die." I raised a brow at her, before snickering and adding, "Wait, you own the place."

"So if I do then I will make it so that is where you are going to live," she exclaimed.

"Oh no I am so scared. In my custom made personality," I sassed.

"Skylar do you want two weeks of detention?" She asked.

"If you do that you know my uncle will not date you." I said, her face turning into one of painful realization.

"So, um..." one of the boys said, his stance uncomfortable, running a hand through his blond hair. I could tell it was dyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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