5- Too much love will kill you, every time

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Twelve months ago, Jeff, Bill and Saul arrived to L.A.

 They are trying to be famous musicians here, so they have already changed their names to Izzy, Axl and Slash. These names are cooler. Past is dead.

Slash is still working as a prostitute. He lives with Axl but he also rents another flat during the night so that to have a place to be with his customers. He does not accept male customers, as he has promised that to his boyfriend.

Izzy has accepted the fact that his best friend is gay, but he cannot stand Slash. And they clearly compete with each other for Axl's attention. Izzy totally dislikes the idea of Slash being a prostitute, as it means that he fucks with other people, but, as long as Axl does not really seem to care....and he is old enough to know what to do. Yes, Axl  is a liberal and he is  heels over head in love with Slash, he is not jealous of those women, so...

Axl works as a manager for the Tower Records Company. His leadership skills are notorious and he is winning enough money to afford his singing and piano lessons. Slash has many female customers, so he also has enough money. He is in love with Axl but jealousy has beenkilling him from inside. Unfortunately, he is absolutely possessive and also a control freak, a sheerly insecure and absolutely weird man. The ironic thing is that Axl is not jealous of him working as a prostitute, but he is jealous of Axl due to his looks and beauty.

-Why do you dress like that, baby?. You are too hot and they will jump all over you. Change those clothes, please!. Those  tight leather pants are not for that place. Please, baby, you are beautiful, but you are still mine- Slash begs.

-I am tired of your stupid questions. It is you who are the whore, not me!. I just go, work, and come back, all stupidly in love with my boyfriend, just to find you questioning my clothes?. I should be the one controlling what kind of horrible old woman you are putting your dick into every night!. But I am not an asshole like you, Slash!. Who do you think you are to check my phone, who do you think you are to tell me that every man close to me at work wants to fuck me?. I am sick of you, you know?. Even when it is true that many men would like to stick their cocks within me, I am loyal because I love you, idiot!. I gave you everything, including my fucking virginity, and I did not do that to have a psycho controlling every breath I take!. Fuck off!- Axl shouts

-I am sorry, babe. But, do you have a fucking mirror?. Look at you, all dolled up!. I am afraid. I do not want another man looking at you. It's just that!- Slash says, trying to disguise his anger.

-Fuck you, Slash. I am not the one to blame for your stupid insecurity. Because you know I love you, because you have fucked me every day since that damn day I went to your house like a customer, but, unfortunately, you still consider me just a cheap slut who wear nice tight clothes because I am in search for another dick?!. If I would like to have another dick, I would be enjoying it instead of losing my precious time with you. It has been 12 months since we arrived here, and you haven't changed. You are an insecure asshole, you know?. I am sick of it all. I won't wear a potato bag so that to avoid your stupid jealousy- Axl assures.

Axl leaves the place, all dolled up and beautiful

Slash stays, all frustrated and angry. Angry with himself, for having fucked up everything.

The worst part is that Slash already knows he is loyal, he very well knows he loves him as much as he likes to wear nice clothes. It is his own head which is driving him nuts. It is his fucking sick head imagining that all L.A men want only one thing: fuck his boyfriend hard in the ass.

-What's wrong?- Izzy asks when he meets his friend. Axl is clearly angry, so angry that he is soon to take some necessary decisions. Izzy knows him too well. No words are needed.

-Slash wants to control me. He is crazy, you know?. It is such an irony. He is the prostitute, but he dares to make me scenes!. I do not want more of his toxic love. He says he is older, he says I can have more beautiful men, he says a lot of stupid things, but, mainly, he likes to hurt me and he has crossed a line. 

-What do you mean by that?- Izzy ask with concern

-I did not want to have sex with him yesterday. I felt tired and just wanted to sleep as I have worked for many hours. However, the asshole started assuring that maybe I was so tired because I was fucking with another man. I do not deserve that, when I am the one who permit him fucking women because I understand it is his stupid job!.

-So, what did he do?- Do not hide it to me, Axl, because I will punch his monkey-like face if he hurts you

-He forced me to have sex. Call it rape or whatever. That killed  all the love I had within me. He told me that I am only his and that he will never let other man fuck me. And I do not want any other man, because I am, or I was in love with him...until yesterday. But it's over, it's fucking over you know?- Axl says while shedding a tear.

Izzy hugs him tight while thinking about taking revenge with that douchebag. Nobody touches his friend without his consent

-You come to live with me, Axl. You need some time apart from him. I won't let you go back until he repents.

-Even if he repents...I do not know if I still love him . There is not turning back when you lack that. He fucks me marvelously, but it is not enough, not anymore. He thinks he is my owner, since he is the only man I have ever been with; but I am the only one ruling my life. Worst thing is that I do not know if I want to fight for our love -Axl explains.

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