Chapter 1: Arrival

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First, all I could feel was a cold, wet ground. I couldn't open my eyes, it hurt to much. but i could hear voices.

"This ones the Tokagedoragon, right Jehoel?'

"Correct, you could just tell by her tattoo. We found her in a apartment on the west side of the human world. She was suprised, but didn't fight back..."

"But she is still a demon." 

Demon, yes that's what I. That's how we are classified by the mortals and angels. As creatures who kill innocents and bathe in their blood.

It's not true.

I finally opened my eyes and saw the ones who were talking. Angels. After I turned my head and looked at my surroundings. A cold, damp, concrete floor with two bunks bolted into the wall, and then a sink and toilet.

A prison cell.

My eyes were still weak from the light but I sat up and looked in the direction of the angels.

"Please excuse me, but where am I? and why am I here?" I asked in a strained tone. I sounded weak.

They laughed. 

"You're in Hell spawn Prison. Not the most creative name but you can deal with it." The one, Jehoel said.

"Alright...But why am I here. I haven't killed anyone lately, I haven't even gone outside. Why am I here!?" Panic slowly started to set in. I looked down and saw myself in a loose white tank top and orange baggy pants with black sneakers. Also a black bracelet with something carved into it in white: 43877.

"Oh, what other reason is there to be? God has given orders to rid the human world of evil. So we have set you and many others from Hell into here. And we will slowly kill you off, because demons aren't needed or useful." The other angel said. His voice is familiar. I believe his name is Adriel. The Angel of Death and Destruction.

Just him only is worst then over 10,000 demons.

I looked at them with my eyes wide. Millions of questions flying through my head.


Who ordered this? 

Did they kill anyone yet?

What did I do? 

Is it because I was born?

Did I do anything wrong?

What gives them the power to do this? why cant they be rounded up like sheep and then killed?

Why do they exist?

My confusion and fear slowly turned into rage. My eyes narrowed as my red eyes boiled with rage. The rims of my eyes glowing slightly. I grabbed the cell bars and clenched them in my fist.

They dented.

And the angels laughed.

"Look at you. Look at that face. That's the face of a killer. Come now Jehoel, we have business to attend.

They turned their backs to me and walked away. 

I slowly backed up  and my back hit the wall, sinking down and burying my head into my arms.

"Oh, and you'll be getting a cell mate tomorrow.' Adriel said before he was out of my hearing spectrum.

I didn't care. To be honest I wanted to die.

I wanted to stay there and starve to death. 

But I can't starve. 

I cant just roll over and die naturally.

I'm a demon.

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