The boy.

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"Oh, man..." You sigh to yourself, as you hear your teacher call on you. You have been staring at this boy, with beautiful blue eyes, a heart warming smile, and hair as dark as the night. In a shaky voice, you respond with, "Yes Mrs. Davidson?"

She snaps back at you, saying,"I need you to pay attention to my class."

"Ok, I'm sorry." you mutter.

She walks over to you, and says softly, "This is why you keep getting not-so-good grades on the tests. I understand it might be hard, but please try your best. I believe in you."

You open your mouth, as you were about to speak, but she walks away. You know she just scolded you, but you can't get your mind off of that beautiful boy, so you continue staring at him, trying not to blush. Your pencil rolls off your desk and rolls all the way to his desk! "You're screwed!" You thought to yourself. When the teacher turns around to write something, you quietly walk over to his desk, and say, "Excuse me, my pencil is over there, can you hand it to me?" You start to turn red. He looks at you, and you decide to look at your pencil, as a signal. He lightly turns his back to you, leans down, and grabs your pencil. He gives it to you, saying, "My name is Kageyama."

"Oh, mine's (Y/N)." You say, blushing. You gracefully stand up and walk back to your desk, your pencil warm from him holding it tight. You hear your teacher tell everyone to write what she wrote down, so, shyly, you put your pencil in your grip position and start writing things down. 

The boy, KageyamaWhere stories live. Discover now