I'm so stupid..

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You were walking out of class when you saw Kageyama. You hide behind the corner of the wall, as it looked like he was walking towards you. You shyly go and continue walking, head down. You peek and see Kageyama had lots of books and papers, and his head was down too, like he got in trouble. You both keep walking, then bump into each other. The tip of his book hit your eye, and now it was pulsating."Oh my gosh! Sorry Kageyama!" You yell, picking up his books and handing them to him. You look up at his beautiful blue eyes, and when you do, he makes a surprised face, which surprises you. "Are you okay?" Kageyama asked worriedly. "I'm fine, but my eye really hurts and it's pulsating.. Is it alright?" You ask.

Kageyama opens his locker, and puts his books in. Inside was a mirror which he took out and pointed it at your face. "OMG!" You yell, holding your eye, trying not to cry in front of him.

Kageyama says, "I'm so sorry I'll take you to the nurse!" "No, no, it's fine, I just think I need to go h-" You faint into Kageyama's arms. Kageyama tries not to scream and lightly places you down on a bench by his locker. 10 minutes later, you wake up and see Kageyama worriedly looking at you, with a frown. "I'm okay, Kageyama." You say. "I'm so sorry." He picks you up lightly and sits you up. He helps you stand up and helps you walk. You and Kageyama end up at the principal's office. "Sir, can we please go home? I'll make up for her work and mine too. Please."

The principal frowns and says, "Oh my god, her ey- Uh, yes yes you can go."

Kageyama helps you walk, and goes to a vending machine. He rests you on the bench, and asks what drink you want. You reply, "Anything with sugar."

Kageyama puts a one dollar bill in the vending machine and orange juice comes out, with a cute kawaii note saying "フロリダ産のオレンジジュース !" And then hands it to you.

"Thanks, Kageyama!" You take the straw and poke it in the hole and start drinking the orange juice. Kageyama gets some milk and sits down next to you. "Look, I'm really sorry, (Y/N)." He says,"Kageyama, it isn't your fault." You say, as he drinks his milk. Kageyama cuddles next to you, as you blush intensely. "Kageyama, can we go to the doctor?" you ask, with a shaky voice.

"YES!" He yells back, not hesitant. Kageyama helps you stand and walks you to the doctor. When you get there, the doctor lays you down and examines your eye. "...And how did this happen?" "I-" You pause. You can't say what ACTUALLY happened!

"I um- the uh tip of my.. My like my book it kinda like hit my eye and-"

"Tell me the truth. It doesn't matter if someone did it, I just need to know how." You take a deep breath and say, "My uh friend..; we accidentally bumped into each other and the point of his book hit my eye point super hard. Ever since then my eyesight from that eye hasn't been good." You explain. "Oh, well that isn't too good is it," He says. "Here is your medicine and some ointment. Just rub it under your eye every day, for a week. If it gets worse, go to this address." The doctor says handing you a sticky note. You grab the ointment and medicine. "Thank you. Bye!" You say as you run out. You glance at the waiting room, only to see Kageyama nervously sitting. You walk up to him. "Hi!" You say. He jumps up and hugs you, crying. "I'm so sorry..." He says. He backs away to let you breathe. "I'm okay, really!" You say smiling. "I'll get you home." He says. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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