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        It's been at least a week, so that means Brooke  and Christian are coming to visit tomorrow. I'm so excited! Though, with that matter aside, I have to start training.  I'm also excited for that. It's the first time in a long time that I've actually had proper training. I just hope the males and females of this pack don't give me attitude. I'm the only one who's actually been a rouge. So that means I fight just as vicious as one. I came back with a new attitude, so a new Flame, if you get my pun.

"I'm sure there are new wolves," I started "So if you're new raise your hand. If you're not a new pack member LEAVE YOUR HAND DOWN." 

Only about 6 people raised their hand. Good.

"Good." I nodded approvingly.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Blaze Waters and I am the Alpha's adopted daughter of the Dark Warrior pack. Coincidentally I'm also the mate of your next Alpha. I didn't reject the Alpha because I'm his adopted sister, I did it because we simply weren't compatible, we are not blood related so if I actually had feelings for him I might've been the current Luna of this pack. I'm also the mate of your next Beta. I rejected your the Alpha and recently broke up with the beta.  My new boyfriend Jace is going to be my assistant today. Oh and, I'm a returning pack member. I decided I was finished with being a rouge after so long. If you have any more questions about me, ask anyone in the pack, after training, they know my story."

A new boy member raised his hand. I raised an eyebrow to him.

He smirked cockily and said, "Yeah, um, where's the Alpha, I personally don't like the fact that he has a weak female wolf teaching training."

I gave a smirk of my own and replied, "The Alpha and Beta themselves promoted me to this position, if you have a problem with their choice then you can take it up with them. Like I said before, I was a rouge, therefor I know how to fight like one. Jace simply didn't want to teach because he doesn't know anyone here. Until then--" 

I was cut short by that bitch Gabby walking into training with a smirk on her face.

"You're late." I stated with a frown.

"Yeah but I already know what I have to do so who cares?"She questioned. 

"Ok, I realized I didn't point this out to everyone. Tardiness to my training sessions will not be tolerated. Anyone who is late will be skipping stretches and running an extra five laps around this big ass territory, instead of doing the stretches and running 25 times around this huge ass pack house and field that we're in. So Gabby, get to it."

She frowned an told me no. That will not be tolerated either.

"Ok everyone," I started "Let me give you an example of the type of fighting we will be going over today. Such as defense and blocking."

"If your enemy starts at you," I motioned Gabby to run at me. She did. I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her while my own other arm put her in a choke hold. "I want you to do this to them when I pair you guys up in a minute. As you can see I left one of her arms free. Here's what I want you to with that."

In one swift move I grabbed her other arm and slammed her on the ground. "Now let your partner get up. To get a bit of energy, of course. You can't give your all in one shot. You have to save some." 

I let Gabby get up and throw a punch. I grabbed her fist and forced it back down to her side and pushed her back from me. I held my hand up and spoke again, "That's all I want you guys to do. My technique and blocking."

I walked over to a beat up Gabby, "Now if I were you, I wouldn't let that shit happen to me twice. Get to running this damn territory, bitch."

She ran away from me. I began stretching with the rest of pack. 

"Alright guys, now that we're done stretching, start running, I'll run with you. Jace, I'm sorry babe. I need you to catch up with Gabby. I need to make sure she doesn't decide to get lazy."

"Yeah babe ok." With that he ran after her.

After training (and a shower) I went to go find Leslie. When I did find her, she was on her way to the living room.

"Leslie, wait! I need help dying my hair."

She turned around, glared at me and continued to walk towards the living room. I jogged after her.

I grabbed her arm, "Why did you look at me like that?"

She sneered at me. "Did you think that I wouldn't find out that you broke up and cheated on my brother? Or that you're dating Jace?"

I was shocked. "I-"

She cut me off, "Stop. I love you Blaze, but as his sister, my loyalty resides with Chase." Then she walked away. 

Great, I lost a best friend and my mates. How's life going for Blaze Waters you may ask? Terrible.

I just went back to my room.

Grabbing the dye off of my dresser, I went to my bathroom. 15 minutes later, My hair was black again. Of course this time with caramel highlights.


Afterwards, my hair blow dried but curly, I found Jace. He was just walking in with Gabby.  She was leaning on him but I didn't mind, I did make her run around this territory five times. Maybe that'll show her not to be late to my training sessions. 

"Jace, can you go take a shower please, I need to tell you about what you missed while you were gone."

"Sure." He pushed Gabby off of him and walked to our room. I, of course, followed him. Not before warning Gabby about being late though of course.

When he got out of the shower, I let him get dressed.. then I tackled him. 

"Leslie is not my friend anymore." I stated sadly, I leaned down in my straddle position. So now I'm kinda just laying on him.

"You guys will probably make up again soon, remember all the stories you've told me about your friendship with her?" He questioned.

"Yes but this is different." I whined and pouted.

"How so?"

"She literally doesn't want to be my friend anymore. She's pissed at me because I'm dating you, instead of Chase."

He sat up on his elbows, causing me to return my sitting/straddle position.

"Why do you care some much about Leslie? You never cared about losing friends before. Why is she so important?"

"Because she's like a sister to me baby, I don't want to lose her." I started getting angry, he knows how much Leslie means to me.

"Babe, no babe, you can't get mad at me. It was just a question. I'm sorry." 

I layed back down and he kissed my forhead. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never want to hurt you or make you angry. I didn't know."  The one sorry would've sufficed, he knows that, so there must be something else he's sorry about.

Then someone rushed into our room. I whipped my head towards the door.

It was Damon.

"Alpha Chance and Beta Chase are calling a pack meeting. Like right now, so hurry up."

We weren't really doing any thing so we just got up and followed him out of the room.

Everyone was crowded in the meeting room. They even had to move the table out just to fit as many people as possible in there. 50+ people at most. It was really hot in here.

"Attention everyone," Chance said. "So as you know Delta Damon's sister is coming to visit the pack. Instead I made a deal with the Alpha of their pack, we are now allies with the Black Creek Pack. The entire pack is coming to our territory."

Chase then spoke up. "They are coming for a week to see the territory and maybe even meet mates. Then in return we will be going to their territory for week.Hopefully you guys will make friends with this pack."

"Also," Chance said. "My father has stepped down from the Alpha position.  After the two weeks of visiting packs there will be a ceremony held, passing the Alpha, Beta, and Delta title down to Chase, Damon and I. Everyone, welcome back our pack member Blaze Waters, she is now the new pack trainer,if you need extra training, you are now on her schedule. Until the pack gets here tomorrow, you are dismissed."

Everyone left, even Jace, I didn't though.  The name Black Creek stuck to me. Then it clicked. After so long, I'm finally seeing my old pack again.


Hey everyone, I've been gone and I actually take full blame for it. I've been scheduling times to write, then I forget them. All that time plus testing in school and trying to bring my grades up so I wrote one this chapter until I got to what I'm saving for the next chapter. Ejoy a little Ed Sheeran- Thinking out loud for this chapter.

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