Niall's Bestfriend

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Hey guys i know i finally updated! Haha yeah so.....i really hope you guys like this chapter! Let me know what you think! :)

xx Brook


Louis' P.O.V

I can't believe it! Alexis is gone! It's all thanks to Jen.....i wish i had the balls to stand up to her.....wait a second she said she would hurt Harry if anyone stood up to her! Oh shit! I jumped outta bed and ran down the hall. I looked in Zayn's room but Jen wasnt there. I look in the bathroom, kitchen, and living room. I dont see her anywhere....actually i dont see anyone anywhere. I kept walking around the house hoping to find one of the lads or Jen. I suddenly heard laughter outside. I walked to the sliding glass door and saw Jen out there with Harry. I smiled and walked outside. Jen greeted me with a smileand i returned the favor. Harry on the other hand full on snogged me. Jen started laughing at us and Harry smiled at this.

"Wow what a way to greet someone in the morning Haz." Jen says smiling like mad at us. Harry smirked at me and pecked my lips 3 times quickly before sitting down again. He pulled on my lap and cuddled up to me. I felt so safe in his arms. He started to kiss my neck and leave a love bite. A small moan escaped from my mouth. "Well thats my cue to leave. see ya later boys!" she said with her amerucan accent. Harry waved her off and i realized what was going and pushed away from him. Hurt crossed his face and i looked at him sadly. "Jen wait i need to talk to you two about something." i say nervously. She looks at me curiously and sits back down. The hurt that was once on Harry's face soon turned into concern. "Whats wrong Lou?" Jen says worriedly. i sigh "Well last night i was thinking and," i look them and they nod for me to continue, "remember when Alexis said that if we stood up to her she would hurt Harry or basically our loved one?" Jen looks at me and smiles. I raise my eyebrow at her questioningly. Then i look at Haz and he is smirking at me. Im so confused! "Why are you two looking at me like that? Its kinda creepy." I say weirded out. "Boo she said that specifically to me. She didnt say that to Jen or any of the other lads, so technically she cant do anything to us now" Jen looks at me smiling crazily and Haz just looks at me waiting for my reaction. I smile at the realization and hugged them both extra tight. They both grunt at my hug and push away. Harry kisses me again. He stops and looks at me with a shy smile. I look at him curiously and he looks at Jen knowingly. She nods her head for him to go on. He takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes. "Louis would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asks shyly. I smile up at him and kiss him as a sign to ues. He kisses back and i hear a gasp. I turn my head and Jen looks like she got scared shitless. "Hey Jen whats wrong?" i ask. She looks at me and glares at someone inside. "Oh nothing Zayn just thought it be funny to scare the shit outta me and run back inside!" she yells so Zayn can hear. I hear a laugh from inside and it was obvious it Zayn's. He comes back out and looks at Jen. "Im sorry baby. Can you forgive me?" he says pouting slightly. Jen groans and says "Ugh! Fine! stupid pouty face" she grumbles to herself a little and Zayn goes to kiss her but she moves outta the way. "I forgived you, but you gotta do a little more to earn a kiss" she says and he gapes at her. She winks at him before going inside. Zayn watches her disappear and soon follows after her. I get up to go inside cuz its really hot outside. Haz grabs my wrist and pulls me back down. "7pm dont be late" he says while grazing my earlobe. I tense up and run inside. I hear Harry laugh before coming inside and making lunch for everyone. Then someone knocked on the door. I walk over to the door and answer it. There was a girl there a little shorter than Niall with brown and pink and bluish streaks in her hair. She had brown eyes and glasses. She had a shirt on and i couldve sworn i say our faces on it, but her jacket covered it up so i couldnt see it well. She said something i didnt hear. "Im sorry what did you say?" I ask. "H-hi im Brooklynn b-but you can call me Brook. I-is Niall hear?" she says a little nervously. "Um yeah hes just upstairs. please come on in." I say moving outta the way for her to come in. She smiles shyly and walks and sits on the couch. "Ill just go and get him. Make yourself comfortable." i say smiling at her she nods and looks down at the ground. Weird? I walk upstairs and go to Nialls room. He isnt in there. I walk over to Liams room and hear giggling. I swear if they are having sex ima slap them! I knock on the door and Niall answers. "Yes Lou?" he says. "Oh um theres someone downstairs for you" I say. Liam pops outta nowhere and says "Who is it?" "Um its a girl and her name just slipped from my mind. Its started with a 'B' thats for sure." I say and Nialls face lights up. "Brook?!" he excitedly says. "Yeah! Thats it!" i say and Niall zooms downstairs and into the living room. I follow him and see shes not there. What the hell? She was just hear. Niall looks at me confused and i shrug my shoulders. I hear laughing in the kitchen and its a girl laugh. Niall looks the kitchen door and walks in. I hear a scream and a laugh. i walk in and see Niall and Brook hugging like crazy. I guess Haz found her in the living room and thought he should introduce himself. Liam coughs and raises and eyebrow at Niall. Niall pulls away and smiles at Liam. "Li this Brooklynn. She is my best friend from Ireland!" He says happily. Liam lets out a breath and smiles at her. Brook goes over and hugs Liam. Hes taken back and hugs her anyways. They pull away and she says "You can call me Brook. And its so nice to meet you all! Especially you Liam. Niall cant stop talking about you when he calls me. Its always 'Liam this, Liam that' 'Liam looked so cute today!'" she says mimicking Niall. Niall is as red as a tomatoe. Before she could say anymore he clamps his hand on her mouth. She smirks at him. I see she took her jacket off and i was correct it was our faces on her shirt. "Are you a fan?" i ask before thinking. She blushes and nods. "Well actually i belong to that crazy group of people that go by the name of Directioners" she says smiling. Niall rolls his eyes. "So you know everything about us?" I ask. "Duh! Well i already knew everything about little Nialler hear!" she says rubbing his hair. Challenge accepted. "Ok so whats our birthdays?" i ask while smirking. She rolled her eyes and said "Louis Tomlinson December 24, 1991 oldest in the band known as the joker hometown Doncaster, Harry Styles February 1, 1994 youngest in the band known as the flirt hometown Holmes Chapel Chesire, Liam Payne August 29, 1993 known as Daddy Direction hometown wolverhampton, Zayn Malik January 12, 1993 known as The Bradford Bad Boi hometown Bradford , and Niall Horan September 13, 1993 known as the Irish one hometown Mullingar, Ireland." She said it like a smartass. Niall is laughing his ass off. Liam, Haz and I are just staring at them like idiots. "Uh wow i just asked for birthdays...." i say. "Oh i know i just wanted to see your reactions." she said while smirking. "So whos your favorite?" Harry asks. "Oh no im telling anyone who my favorite is. Only one person in this entire world knows and dont you dare try to get it outta him unless you wanna wake up in the morning with a plunger up your ass." she says and Niall is laughing his ass of again. He stops suddenly and looks at us "Shes not kidding. One time i accidently told her mom about our secret hide out and i woke up and Nandos was closed for a week....I dont know how she did it but it was horrible!" He says terrified. "So uh Brook are you staying here or do you a hotel or what?" Liam asks her."Oh damn it i forgot all about that! i was so excited about surprising Niall i forgot to get a hotel room....." "Brook its all good you can stay here" Niall says to her. "You sure you guys dont mind?" she says afraid we'll say no. "Of course not! Stay as long as you like!" Liam says and she smiles at us and says "Sweet". I just noticed she doesnt have a strong Irish accent like Niall. "If your from Ireland, while do you sound kinda american?" I asked. "Oh the last 5 years i was in America and i just kinda picked up on the accent." she says. "Oh so wait you werent with Nia when he signed up for X-Factor?" Harry asks. "Oh I was i flew back over and spent time with him before he left" she says. All of a sudden Zayn and Jen come in. "Hey lads! Whos this?" Zayn says. We all sigh.....we have to explain this again!


So guys what do you think? and I really need feedback! Please comment, vote, fan! if i dont get atleast 2 comments then im just gonna delete this story. And they cant say 'upload soon!' real comments please! Love you!

xx Brook :)

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