Chapter 7 | Part 3

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"Here's how this will work," Valens said

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"Here's how this will work," Valens said.

He and Domi stood before the conservatory dormitory, a massive thirty-suite peach marble building with blue-green columns and bronze-trimmed stairs.

"You are not a conservatory student yet," the worldholder continued, "and will not be until you catch up on your studies. That will take time. But you may live here so long as you behave yourself."

Domi grinned. "Excellent." That would make the lift way easier.

Valens turned from the building to peer down at Domi. "However, I expect you to arrive at my domus at Third Hour every day for salutatio. You will stay with me until Fourteenth Hour for lessons. If I'm satisfied, you may return here and do what you wish in the evenings. If not, you will stay with me, and we will continue our work."


"I possess a guest room, of course." Valens's lip curled. "I'm sure you'll need it often at first. Any questions?"

"I heard I get a live-in servant," Domi said, keeping his voice casual.

Valens eyed him in derision. "You don't 'get' anything. No one is going to assign staff to you now that you're a Lightbearer."

"Yeah, thanks," the boy said, "but that's not what I meant. I have someone in mind." He crossed his arms. "Any rules I need to consider?"

"Radix?" Domi didn't deny it. "Why am I not surprised? When are you two getting married?" He shook his head as a furious blush flooded Domi's face. "There are no rules. Just be aware your feeding and keeping is my responsibility. The care of any servants you want to keep is your problem. If you can figure out the expense, do what you want."


"Just try to avoid funding their stay through any illegal means." Valens dipped his chin to fix him with a pointed look.

Domi doubted his aedificans guessed anything, or this conversation would likely be very different. He did not know the Trueborn well, but he had figured out through his few interactions with the man that Valens was always very direct. Sometimes too direct.

Still, his heart beat faster, and he prayed the same heightened senses he now possessed didn't allow Valens to hear it. Domi lacked the ability to hear heartbeats or anything like that, but then again, he also lacked a laurel. Who knew what came next as his body adjusted to prometus? Valens might smell his nervousness, for all he knew.

"Of course," he said, keeping his voice as light as possible.

"Any other questions?"


He'd said something that annoyed the Trueborn. He was beginning to recognize that sideways glance, those narrowed eyes. "Ah yes," Valens said, "one more thing."

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