💕when you're sick💕

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Bloodhound: They prefer to keep their distance, since they're lungs are damaged, but will give you home remedies that surprisingly help a lot.

Lifeline: Well, exactly what you expect. She's a medic so of course she's gonna be helpful.

Pathfinder: Path doesn't quite know what to do, so he mostly keeps you company and asks you if you need anything.

Wraith: Using the voices she can predict the sickness, and take the quickest approach to get you to full health.

Bangalore: She mostly tells you to toughen up, but will help you when you really need it.

Caustic: He gives you some strange green liquid and tells you to drink it, and of course you did cause you trust him, right? But oddly enough you feel better, but a bit manic.

Mirage: Mirage makes you some pork chops and you to watch a movie, he keeps you lots of company, and makes it less miserable. And when you're about to get better, he gets sick.

Octane: He mostly entertains you, but he'll go to the store and get you anything you want or need.

Wattson: She makes you the soup her dad used to make when she was sick, and basically moves all of the stuffed animals to the living room, and makes a Fort. She makes it a sleepover and it's the best.

Crypto: He avoids you like the plague. He refuses to get sick. He'll use his drone to deliver to little care packages of medicine and tea.

Revenant: He tries to be helpful, but really isn't. He'll keep you company, or tell story's that make you feel even worse, but you two make a soup together to make you feel better, and it was really nice to spend time with him.

Loba: Lobe will keep her distance, but not as much as crypto, she just doesn't want to get sick. Though she'll deliver you your favourite foods and movies.

Rampart: Ramya somehow makes your cold last longer. Though she'll explain how she'll works to put you to sleep. And she'll make you some spicy Indian food her mom taught her to make, and it clears your sinuses right out.

Horizon: Typical over protecting mother. Every time you walk back into your room there's new sheets on you bed to keep it clean, and she makes a killer soup.

Fuse: Fuse mostly just supports you, but teases you for a weak immune system,but then the next day he'll have cause the cold you have.

Valkyrie: Kari makes you some nice ass tea and runs you a bath. Once you get out there's food and a movie ready in the bedroom. Like a home spa.

Seer: Obi wouldn't be scared to get sick or be near you, but some how he doesn't get sick. He does make you some nice snacks and tells you stories to put you to sleep.

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