Chapter 2

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(I've been working on it recently, so there's about ten pages worth of this one in google docs currently!)

He ducked and leaned against a tree, completely visible. He heard the sound stop across from him, and he stared ahead, a scared expression on his face.

"Oi! C'mon, I need to help you, you're not safe out here!" The voice called, going to deaf ears. Kirishima growled at the man, his unknown language making him more defensive. The man came into view and stared in shock at the dragon, who had surrounded himself in his wings and made his talons appear in defense. Kirishima coughed up a small amount of blood, glaring at the man with fear written on his face. He hissed in pain when he tried moving his arm, whimpering as a tear escaped his eye. He whimpered in pain, shaking and hiding in his wings. 'Just kill me, get it over with.' He mentally pleaded, the feeling of arms under his knees and one gently holding his back. He hissed in pain, whimpering as more tears escaped.

"Calm down, I'm here to help you." The man softly said. "You're dragon kin right?" He asked. Kirishima heard the word dragon and looked up at him, hissed in pain again and whimpering as pain shot through his head. The man sighed and shook his head, mumbling to himself as he approached his truck. Kirishima tried to get out of his hold, yelping as pain shot through his arm and wing, his breathing wavering. The man tried comforting him by gently rubbing his uninjured shoulder, but Kirishima growled before whimpering again. The blonde man tried reassuring him, setting him in the passenger seat of his truck. The seat was warm and Kirishima felt the pain in his back ease, sighing in relief and his eyes becoming half lidded.

He jumped when he saw the man had appeared in front of him again, growling in defense. The blonde man gave him a small glare, which quickly turned into a pleading look. Kirishima blinked and looked at him for a moment, letting him grab his arm and examine it. He cried out in pain when he tried turning it, wacking him away with his tail and crying out again as his arm limply hit his leg. He let the tears fall and whimpered, curling into a ball defensively. The blonde man groaned and checked the cuts on his arm, sighing and ignoring them as he carefully approached the dragon. Kirishima whimpered in pain, sniffling as he cradled his broken arm defensively. The blonde looked at him in sympathy, reaching his arm to him and gently patting his wing. Kirishima yelped again, hissing at the blonde and batting him away again. The man hissed in pain and looked the same arm over, more cuts had been made. He sighed and shook his head before gently closing the door, going to the drivers side and hopping in. He started the truck, hissing in pain when he jerked his arm too harshly. Kirishima stayed hiding in his wings, still whimpering and sniffling from his injuries and the pain they caused him. He looked over his non-broken arm, seeing the deep and light cuts scattered everywhere, dirt coating his arm, and bruises everywhere he could see. He jumped when he saw the blonde's hand move closer and gently grabbed his arm, examining it as well with a concerned look.

"Just don't move your other arm, and try to keep it still. I can help you once we get to my house." The blonde man told him, attempting to comfort him by rubbing a circle on his palm. Kirishima blinked confusedly, feeling slightly comforted from the action. He glanced between his hand and the blonde, slowly relaxing more until they arrived at his house. Kirishima hissed seeing the cabin and curled into a ball, growling and hiding in his wings. The blonde looked over at him and kept hold of his hand, Kirishma hissed again when the blonde tried to pick him up from the passenger seat, only to end up being defeated. The blonde carried him into the cabin and set him on the couch, Kirishima whining from the discomfort coming to his back once again.

"Try to relax, I need to find my book about your language." The blonde mumbled, knowing it would fall upon deaf ears. The dragon glared, confused and scared, and glanced around before huffing. He slowly sat up, groaning in pain from his back and sighing. The blonde returned later, carrying a First Aid kit and a book.

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