Chapter 3

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Kirishima had a confused look on his face, his head tilting as the man set everything down. He gently grabbed Kirishima's unbroken arm and got a cotton ball, humming in thought as he covered it in the alcoholic solution. He gently tapped Kirishima wounds with it, stopping when he winced and tried to pull away. Kirishima whimpered and bit his tongue, trying not to flinch.

After a while he felt a cold sensation on his arm, unconsciously sighing as the cold relieved his muscles from most of the pain. The blonde smiled slightly, wrapping his arm in bandages after going over them with a cold wash cloth. Kirishima looked his arm over curiously, his head tilted before looking back at the blonde. He smiled softly and carefully lifted the dragon's broken arm, humming in thought before grabbing what looked like a splint and straightening his arm carefully, putting the splint against it. He wrapped his arm up and dabbed it down with a cold wash cloth, and gently patted his head when he finished. The blonde spoke words that shocked Kirishima.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked in the dragon's language, Kirishima freezing in place and looking up at him. After a moment the redhead nodded, keeping his head down and thinking over why the man was being so nice.

Bakugou put away his First Aid kit, glancing over at his newfound partner. The dragon looked at the bandages, and tried biting them, Bakugou quickly rushing over and stopping him before he could. Kirishima huffed as the blonde's hand ruffled his hair. Bakugou grabbed his book on dragon language, flipping through pages and figuring out which words he would need to ask the dragon what happened.

"Hm.. So, what exactly happened?" Bakugou asked in the dragon's language, Kirishima looking up at him. The dragon thought for a moment and mumbled his response.

"Some people saw me flying, and hit my wing with an arrow.." The redhead mumbled, huffing angrily. He winced as Bakugou gently touched his wing, the blonde humming and carefully tapping spots on his wing.

"They didn't do enough to put a hole in it, but they did enough that you won't fly or transform for a while." Bakugou sighed. "I'd say probably two months, maybe three before it heals."

"What?!" Kirishima exclaimed, glaring at the blonde.

"Easy, easy. I can help you until then." Bakugou calmly said. "Don't stress too much or your injuries will get worse. I'll get some stitching stuff for your back." He sighed and got up, leaving to get everything he needed. When he returned the dragon had gotten up, and was by his fireplace, breathing fire onto the wood trying to start the fire, and successfully doing so. Bakugou laughed quietly and approached the dragon, setting a hand on his slightly scraped shoulder. "Are you a Fire Dragon?" Bakugou asked him, Kirishima nodding and breathing more fire onto the wood, creating a warm fire. He watched the dragon relax as the fire warmed the room, gently ruffling his red hair. The dragon flinched at first, but with Bakugou making his touch softer the redhead relaxed. He sighed in relief when the dragon let out a soft snore, and carefully picked him up. The blonde walked to his bedroom and set the dragon down, covering him with a blanket and making sure he was comfortable. He carefully stitched the deep cut on the back of the dragon's shoulder. After he finished he left the room, leaving the door slightly open, and layed down on the couch with a sigh. 'Well, that was certainly one way to meet a dragon.. I've been wanting to but did it have to be this way?' He mentally asked yawning and stretching before grabbing the fur blanket off the back of his couch. He sighed comfortably at the warmth of the blanket, closing his eyes and relaxing his muscles. 'Maybe I should try and make this work? It was at the worst goddamn time.. Fucks sake, literally during the hunting season for dragons! ... Fuck, I'll try. If this doesn't work I fucking hate this.' He mentally cursed as he dozed off.

Bakugou groaned tiredly, the soft light hitting his eyes. He yawned and stretched, sighing and opening his eyes. He was met instantly with crimson ones and went to sit up, only to bump heads with his newfound partner. He groaned in pain and rubbed the spot on his head, it already becoming slightly irritated. He had heard Kirishima yelp when their heads bumped and looked over worriedly, the dragon whimpering and rubbing his forehead. Bakugou sighed and walked over to him, gently ruffling his hair. "Sorry, bud. You okay?" He asked. Kirishima nodded and stood up, hugging the blonde. He was shocked at first, the hug highly unexpected. He carefully hugged him back, still in shock as the dragon let go. He blinked, looking at the dragon before huffing and smiling slightly. "Is that your way of thanking me?" He asked.

"Y-Yes, it's how dragons thank each other when they help each other." Kirishima explained. "And given this," He pointed to his broken sarm. "I owe you a bigger thank you."

"It's nothing, I live out here to help dragons who get hurt by those other bastards." Bakugou shrugged. "Besides, I don't like people repaying me for stuff I do. I do it because it's something other than arguing with my old hag."

"But- I-It's what dragons do and-"
"It's fine." Bakugou growled reassuringly before sighing. "You can break your tradition this once, no need to thank me.. Uh, what's your name?" Bakugou asked.

"Eijirou Kirishima." The dragon slightly smiled.

"Bakugou Katsuki." Bakugou responded. "And like I said, Kirishima, no need to thank me."

Kirishima nodded and hugged him again, mumbling another thank you with his face hidden. The blonde ruffled his hair, returning the hug and patting his back, careful of the bruises and scratches covering it. He sighed after a moment, the dragon stayed hugging him. He glanced down, slightly worried, and carefully moved him away. He saw tears streaming down the dragon's face, and wiped them away, sighing and moving his hands away. "Go get some rest, I'll be in here." He tried comforting him, only for the dragon to hug him again, but more tightly. He heard the dragon whimper and looked at him worriedly, once again gently hugging him back. He heard the dragon sniffle and let out a couple more sobs before he went quiet, and his hug relaxed. Bakugou hummed and carefully moved him away, seeing he fell asleep. The dragon whined in his sleep, using his strength to pull him back to the blonde, hugging him tightly. Bakugou's breath hitched, standing still as a statue for a moment before carefully moving to his room.

He sighed in relief once he was able to get the dragon to lay down on the bed, and covered him with the comforter, only to hear him whine in his sleep as he approached the door. With a sigh Bakugou turned back and sat on the edge of the bed, Kirishima calming down his sleep. 'Is he scared to sleep alone?' Bakugou mentally questioned, lying down by the dragon.

Kirishima mumbled in his sleep and shifted, whining again when Bakugou moved to lay down. Bakugou froze when Kirishima hugged him in his sleep, sighing in defeat. 'Now I really can't go back- I swear to fuck this is weird as hell-' He mentally cursed himself before closing his eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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